Ranchor prime
Ranchor Prime ( eng. Ranchor Prime ; også kendt som Ranchora Dasa , IAST : Raṇcora Dāsa ; fødselsnavn - Richard Prime , eng. Richard Prime ; født 1950, [1] Leeds , England ) - britisk offentlig person, forfatter og opdagelsesrejsende hinduisme , [2] [3] [4] [5] forfatter til bøger om hinduisme og økologi . [6] [3] [7] [3] [4] [5]Ranchor Prime er medlem af International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) og elev af dets grundlægger, Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada . [5] [8] [9] Prime er forfatteren til den engelske oversættelse af Bhagavad-gita , udgivet med illustrationer af den berømte indiske kunstner B. G. Sharma.
Ranchor Prime er en religiøs rådgiver for den britiske organisation Alliance of Religions and Conservation , [10] og grundlægger og direktør for miljøvelgørenheden Friends of Vrindavan, [10] som arbejder for at beskytte miljøet på det hinduistiske pilgrimssted Vrindavan . [10] [11]
- ranchor prime. Hinduisme og økologi: Sandhedens frø . — 1. udg. - London: Cassell , 1992. - x, 118 s. — (Verdensreligioner og økologi). — ISBN 030432373X .
- ranchor prime. Hinduisme og økologi: Sandhedens frø . — 2. udg. - Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass , 1994. - x, 118 s. — ISBN 8120812492 .
- Ranchor Prime, Joanne O'Brien, Martin Palmer . Et væld af trosretninger: økonomi og religion . - London: World Wide Fund for Nature UK , 1992. - 68 s. — ISBN 0947613854 .
- ranchor prime. Ramayana: En rejse . — New York: Welcome Rain, 1997. — 160 s. — ISBN 1556708017 .
- Ranchor Prime, Mbitu Ngangar. Væsentlig afrikansk mytologi: Historier, der ændrer verden . - London: Thorsons , 1997. - xxii, 183 s. — ISBN 1855384787 .
- ranchor prime. Vedisk økologi: praktisk visdom til at overleve det 21. århundrede . - Novato, CA: Mandala, 2002. - 157 s. — ISBN 1886069654 .
- ranchor prime. Prince of Dharma: The Illustrated Life of Buddha / Illustreret af BG Sharma. — Novato, Californien: Mandala. — xiii, 127 s. — ISBN 1886069816 .
- ranchor prime. Den illustrerede Bhagavad Gita: En ny oversættelse med kommentarer . — 1. udg. - Hauppauge, NY: Barron's Educational Series , 2003. - 144 s. — ISBN 0764122231 .
- ranchor prime. Hinduisme . - London: Chrysalis Education , 2003. - 64 s. — ISBN 1593891296 .
- ranchor prime. Ramayana: En fortælling om guder og dæmoner / Illustreret af BG Sharma. - San Rafael, CA: Mandala, 2004. - xviii, 100 s. — ISBN 1932771026 .
- ranchor prime. Mahavira: Prince of Peace / Illustreret af BG Sharma. - San Rafael, CA: Mandala, 2005. - xii, 124 s. — ISBN 1932771271 .
- ranchor prime. When the Sun Shines: The Dawn of Hare Krishna i Storbritannien. - Watford: Bhaktivedanta Book Trust , 2009. - 496 s. — ISBN 1845990706 .
- ranchor prime. Cows and the Earth: A Story of Kinder Dairy Farming / Forord af Chrissie Hynde . - London: Fitzrovia Press, 2009. - 144 s. — ISBN 095618460X .
- ranchor prime. Bhagavad Gita: Samtaler mellem sjælen og Gud . - London: Fitzrovia Press, 2010. - 240 s. — ISBN 0956184618 .
- ranchor prime. Den store åbenbaring: Sri Chaitanyas liv. - London: Fitzrovia Press, 2011. - 272 s. — ISBN 9780956184672 .
- ↑ Harrison, 1990 , s. 113
- ↑ Fieser & Lillegard, 2005 , pp. 205-206
- ↑ 1 2 3 Polunin, 1998 , s. 218
- ↑ 12 Nugteren , 2005 , pp. 389-390
- ↑ 1 2 3 Chapple, 1998 , s. 21
- ↑ Times of India, 2009
- ↑ Chadwick & Prime, 2005
- ↑ Ranchor Dasa, 1994
- ↑ Agerhøne, 2005 , s. 100
- ↑ 1 2 3 Rosen, 2004 , s. 58
- ↑ Edwards & Palmer, 1997 , s. 78
- Catalfo, Phil (2002), Ramayana: A Tale of Gods and Demons Review , Yoga Journal (nr. 165): 147, ISSN 0191-0965 , < https://books.google.com/books?id=O-oDAAAAMBAJ&pg =PA147 >
- Chadwick, Alex (31. oktober 2005), The Streets of a Holy Hindu City , National Public Radio , < http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4980828 >
- Chadwick, Alex (1. november 2005), Pilgrims on the Path of Krishna , National Public Radio , < http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4980938 >
- Chadwick, Alex & Prime, Ranchor (7. december 2005), Afskrift: Ranchor Prime , National Public Radio , < http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5043626 >
- Chapple, Christopher K. (1998), Toward an Indigenous Indian Environmentalism , i Lance E. Nelson, Purifying the Earthly Body of God: Religion and Ecology in Hindu India , Albany, NY: State University of New York Press , s. 13-37, ISBN 0791439232 , < https://books.google.com/books?id=plJspJoTN4EC >
- Edwards, Jo & Palmer, Martin (1997), Holy Ground: The Guide to Faith and Ecology , Yelvertoft: Pilkington, ISBN 1899044124 , < https://books.google.com/books?id=gm1tAAAAMAAJ >
- Fieser, James & Lillegard, Norman (2005), Philosophical Questions: Readings and Interactive Guides , New York: Oxford University Press , ISBN 0195139836 , < https://books.google.com/books?id=gyt9AAAAMAAJ >
- Gosling, David L. (2005), Review of Vedic Ecology: Practical Wisdom for Surviving the Twenty-First Century , International Journal of Hindu Studies bind 9 (1-3): 184-185, ISSN 1022-4556 , < http: //www.springerlink.com/content/40356672p8q80730/ > (utilgængeligt link)
- Haberman, David L. (2006), River of Love in an Age of Pollution: The Yamuna River of Northern India , Berkeley, CA: University of California Press , ISBN 0520247906 , < https://books.google.com/books? id=CJFdkkGSV8gC >
- Hallman, David G. (2000), Spiritual Values for Earth Community , Geneve: WCC Publications, ISBN 2825413267 , < https://books.google.com/books?id=9ggRAQAAIAAJ >
- Harrison, Shirley (1990), Cults: The Battle for God , London: Christopher Helm , ISBN 0747014140 , < https://books.google.com/books?id=b2nYAAAAMAAJ >
- Hinds, Diana (9. december 1992), Frygt vokser over tempelangreb , The Independent , < https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/fears-grow-over-temple-attacks-1562566.html >
- Lemon, Mark & Mayhew, Henry (1977), Jonathan Sale søger tilflugt hos Hare Krsna-brigaden , Punch T. 273 , < https://books.google.com/books?id=XyYIAQAAIAAJ >
- Metro (27. oktober 2009), Chrissie Hynde bakker op om mejeriprojekt , Metro , < http://www.metro.co.uk/showbiz/758389-chrissie-hynde-backs-dairy-project > Arkiveret 7. oktober 2012 på Wayback Maskine
- Nugteren, Albertina (2005), Belief, Bounty, and Beauty: Rituals Around Sacred Trees in India , Boston: Brill , ISBN 9004146016 , < https://books.google.com/books?id=SkPQAkBGA9YC >
- Partridge, Christopher H. (2005), The Re-Enchantment of the West: Alternative Spiritualities, Sacralization, Popular Culture, and Occulture , London: T&T Clark , ISBN 0567082695 , < https://books.google.com/books?id =g05THJPH5xUC&pg=PA100 >
- Polunin, Nicholas (1998), Population and Global Security , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press , ISBN 052163539X , < https://books.google.com/books?id=nQXmVuQal2wC >
- Ranchor Dasa (1994), A League of Devotees: My Search for Universal Religion , ISKCON Communications Journal bind 1(2), ISSN 1358-3867 , < http://content.iskcon.com/icj/1_2/12rd.html > Arkiveret 29. juni 2013.
- Rosen, Steven J. (2004), Holy Cow: The Hare Krishna Contribution to Vegetarianism and Animal Rights , New York: Lantern Books , ISBN 1590560663 , < https://books.google.com/books?id=Z-WKuYt0MogC >
- Sullivan, Bruce M. (1998), Theology and Ecology at the Birthplace of Kṛṣṇa , i Lance E. Nelson, Purifying the Earthly Body of God: Religion and Ecology in Hindu India , Albany, NY: State University of New York Press , s. ... 247-267, ISBN 0791439232 , < https://books.google.com/books?id=plJspJoTN4EC >
- Times of India (19. juli 2009), britiske hinduer planlægger at arbejde for klimabeskyttelse , The Times of India , < http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/NEWS-World-Indians-Abroad-UK-Hindus-plan-to -arbejde-for-klimabeskyttelse/articleshow/4794739.cms >
- Whitworth, Damian (7. november 2009), Hellige ko, hvad er Chrissies oksekød? , The Times , < http://women.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/women/celebrity/people/article6904677.ece >