Annie Award for bedste manuskript i en animeret spillefilm |
1990'erne |
2000'erne |
- John Lasseter , Pete Docter , Ash Brannon , Andrew Stanton , Rita Xiao, Doug Chamberlain og Chris Webb (2000)
- Ted Elliot , Terry Rossio , Joe Stillman og Roger S.H. Shulman(2001)
- Hayao Miyazaki (2002)
- Andrew Stanton , Bob Petersonog David Reynolds(2003)
- Brad Bird (2004)
- Steve Box, Nick Park og Mark Burton(2005)
- Dick Clement, Yen La Frenais, Christopher Lloyd, Joe Keenanog William Davis (2006)
- Brad Bird (2007)
- Jonathan Aibel og Glenn Berger(2008)
- Wes Anderson og Noah Baumbach (2009)
2010'erne |
2020'erne |
Nebula Award for bedste manuskript / Ray Bradbury Award |
Nebula Award for bedste manuskript |
- Soylent Green – Stanley R. Greenberg(1973)
- Sleeper – Woody Allen (1974)
- Young Frankenstein - Mel Brooks og Gene Wilder (1975)
- Star wars. Episode IV: A New Hope – George Lucas (1977)
- Sjette sans – M. Night Shyamalan (1999)
- Galaxy Quest - David Howard og Robert Gordon(2000)
- Cruching Tiger, Hidden Dragon - James Seamus, Kuo Yung Tsai og Hui-Ling Weng(2001)
- Ringenes Herre: The Fellowship of the Ring – Fran Walsh , Philippa Boyens og Peter Jackson (2002)
- Ringenes Herre: De to tårne - Fran Walsh , Philippa Boyens , Stephen Sinclair, og Peter Jackson (2003)
- The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King - Fran Walsh , Philippa Boyens og Peter Jackson (2004)
- Mission Serenity - Joss Whedon (2005)
- Howl's Moving Castle – Hayao Miyazaki , Cindy Davis Hewitt og Donald H. Hewitt (2006)
- Pan's Labyrinth - Guillermo Del Toro (2007)
- WALL-E - Andrew Stanton , Jim Reardon, og Pete Docter (2008)
Ray Bradbury Award for bedste dramatiske præsentation |
- Terminator 2: Judgment Day - James Cameron (1992)
- Babylon 5 – Joseph Michael Straczynski (1999)
- 2000X– Yuri Rasovskyog Harlan Ellison (2001)
- Joss Whedon (2008)
- Distrikt #9 – Neill Blomkamp & Terry Tatchell (2009)
- The Beginning - Christopher Nolan (2010)
- Doctor Who : " The Doctor's Wife " - Richard Clarkeog Neil Gaiman (2011)
- Beasts of the South - Ben Zeitlin , Lucy Alibar(2012)
- Gravity - Alfonso Cuarón og Jonas Cuarón(2013)
- Guardians of the Galaxy - James Gunn og Nicole Perlman (2014)
- Mad Max: Fury Road – George Miller , Brendan McCarthy, og Niko Lathuris(2015)
- Ankomst – Eric Heisserer (2016)
- Kom ud – Jordan Peele (2017)
- Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse - Phil Lord og Rodney Rothman (2018)
- Good Omens : "Hard Times" - Neil Gaiman (2019)
- I en bedre verden : " Når du er klar- Michael Schur(2020)
- WandaVision - Peter Cameron, Mackenzie Dore, Laura Donnie, Bobak Esfarjani, Megan McDonnell, Jacques Schaeffer , Cameron Squires, Gretchen Enders & Chuck Hayward (2021)