Mecyclothorax (lat.) - en slægt af jordbiller fra underfamilien psidrina . Omkring 400 arter.
De findes på øerne i Oceanien (mere end 300 arter), i Australien (ca. 25), Indonesien. De fleste arter er blevet beskrevet fra Hawaii-øerne (mere end 230) [1] [3] [4] [5] . Også bemærket i sådanne områder som Tahiti [6] , Moorea [7] , Fransk Polynesien , Queensland (Australien) [8] , Ny Guinea [9] , Ny Kaledonien [10] , Kalimantan og Java (Indonesien) [1] .
Små biller, ca. 5 mm lange. De fleste arter har reducerede vinger og er ude af stand til at flyve. Selvom flere arter i Australien og New Zealand er kendetegnet ved fuldt udviklede metathoracale primære, er alle hawaiianske arter kendetegnet ved reduktionen af disse strukturer til rudimentære kutikulære processer, der kun bevarer resterende venation. Hovedkapsel med brede lavvandede, subparallelle frontale riller, lateral frontalmargin begrænset af en smal carina, der strækker sig fra øjets dorsale margin til middel-anterior margin af antennal fossa; basale 3 segmenter af antennen glatte, undtagen apikale makrochetae og sparsomme, nogle gange korte setae; overlæben halvt trunkeret, seks-børsteformet; maxillær rille med setae ved forreste kant af depression; Drøbel forkortet, dobbelttandet i Spidsen; næstsidste segmenter af labiale palper bikonvekse langs den forreste kant; apikale segmenter af maksillære og labiale palper fusiforme, glatte, undtagen for sparsomme korte setae. Pronotum er ekstremt varieret, hjerteformet, til afrundet og trapezformet med en bred base; 0-2 setae placeret lateralt, laterale setae, hvis de er til stede op til mellemlang, basal setae, hvis de er til stede, i posterior eller let anterior vinkel. Elytra er yderst forskelligartet, men scutellum er veludviklet og mærkbar; parascutellar seta plesiomorfisk tilstede; 0-5 dorsal setae i tredje interval; striae er plesiomorfisk tilstede, veldefinerede og punktformede [11] .
Slægten blev først isoleret i 1903 af den engelske entomolog David Sharpe (1840-1922) [12] . Den største slægt af psidrina- underfamilien omfatter omkring 400 arter, hovedsageligt fundet på Hawaii-øerne og øerne i Oceanien. De er inkluderet i stammen Moriomorphini Sloane, 1890 i et bredt taksonomisk omfang. Tidligere inkluderet i en separat stamme Mecyclothoracini Sharp, 1903 . Slægten er opdelt i 5 underslægter: Eucyclothorax Liebherr 2018 fra Australien, Qecyclothorax Liebherr 2018 fra Queensland, Australien, Meonochilus Liebherr & Marris, 2009 fra New Zealand, Phacothorax Jeannel 1944 fra Ny Kaledonien, og den mere udbredte underslægt Mecyclothorax , 30axhor ( Mecyclothorax,30ax) Indonesien, New Zealand, Moorea, Tahiti, Hawaii-øerne) [13] [10] [8] [1] .
Mecyclothorax anaana
Mecyclothorax tihotii
Mecyclothorax tutei
Mecyclothorax pirihao
Mecyclothorax poro
Mecyclothorax putaputa
Liste over arter
- Mecyclothorax a.a. Liebherr, 2008
- Mecyclothorax aano Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax abax Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax acherontius Liebherr, 2009
- Mecyclothorax acutangulus Perrault, 1988
- Mecyclothorax aeneipennis Liebherr, 2005
- Mecyclothorax aeneus Sharp, 1903
- Mecyclothorax affinis Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax ahulili Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax allostriatus Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax altiusculoides Perrault, 1988
- Mecyclothorax altiusculus (Britton, 1938)
- Mecyclothorax amaroides Sharp, 1903
- Mecyclothorax ambiguus (Erichson, 1842)
- Mecyclothorax ambulatus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax amingwiwae Liebherr, 2017
- Mecyclothorax anaana Liebherr, 2012
- Mecyclothorax anchisteus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax andersoni Liebherr, 2017
- Mecyclothorax angulosus Perrault, 1989
- Mecyclothorax angusticollis (Blackburn, 1878)
- Mecyclothorax annae Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax antaeus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax anthracinus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax aorai Perrault, 1978
- Mecyclothorax apicalis (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax aquilus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax arboricola Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax arcanus Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax arcuatus Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax argumentator (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax argutuloides Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax argutulus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax arthuri Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax ata Perrault, 1978
- Mecyclothorax ataraensis Perrault, 1989
- Mecyclothorax ater Britton, 1948
- Mecyclothorax bacrionis Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax badius Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax baehri Guéorguiev , 2013
- Mecyclothorax balli Perrault, 1978
- Mecyclothorax ballioides Perrault, 1978
- Mecyclothorax bartletti Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax basipunctus Louwerens, 1953
- Mecyclothorax bembidicus Sharp, 1903
- Mecyclothorax bembidioides (Blackburn, 1879)
- Mecyclothorax bicolor Sharp, 1903
- Mecyclothorax bicoloratus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax bicoloris Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax bilaianus Baehr , 1998
- Mecyclothorax bilobatus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax blackburni (Sloane, 1898)
- Mecyclothorax blackburnianus Liebherr, 2008
- Mecyclothorax bougainvillei Perrault, 1986
- Mecyclothorax bradycellinus Sharp, 1903
- Mecyclothorax bradycelloides Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax bradyderus (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax brevidux Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax brevipennis Perrault, 1984
- Mecyclothorax brevis (Blackburn, 1878)
- Mecyclothorax brispex Liebherr, 2017
- Mecyclothorax brittoni Perrault, 1978
- Mecyclothorax brunneonubiger Will & Liebherr, 2022
- Mecyclothorax bryobioides Perrault, 1988
- Mecyclothorax bryobius (Britton, 1938)
- Mecyclothorax calceus Liebherr, 2009
- Mecyclothorax carteri (Perkins, 1917)
- Mecyclothorax castaneus Perrault, 1986
- Mecyclothorax ceteratus Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax chalcosus (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax claridgeiae Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax clermontiae Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax cognatus Sharp, 1903
- Mecyclothorax komma Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax consanguineus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax consobrinus Liebherr, 2005
- Mecyclothorax constrictus (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax contractus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax convexicollis (Emden, 1937)
- Mecyclothorax convexus Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax cooki Perrault, 1986
- Mecyclothorax cordaticollaris Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax cordaticollis (Blackburn, 1878)
- Mecyclothorax cordicollis (Sloane, 1900)
- Mecyclothorax cordithorax Liebherr, 2005
- Mecyclothorax crassuloides Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax crassulus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax crassus (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax cuccodoroi Baehr , 2002
- Mecyclothorax cupreoides Perrault, 1978
- Mecyclothorax cupreus Perrault, 1978
- Mecyclothorax cupripennis Perrault, 1989
- Mecyclothorax curtimutinus Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax curtipes (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax curtisi Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax curtus (Sloane, 1895)
- Mecyclothorax cymdicus Sharp, 1903
- Mecyclothorax cymindoides Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax cymindulus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax dannieae Perrault, 1978
- Mecyclothorax daptinus Sharp, 1903
- Mecyclothorax debiliceps Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax debilis (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax dentatus Liebherr, 2009
- Mecyclothorax deverilli (Blackburn, 1879)
- Mecyclothorax discedens (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax dispar Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax doburgi Louwerens, 1949
- Mecyclothorax ducalis (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax dunbarorum Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax ehu Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax eipomeki Baehr , 1995
- Mecyclothorax elite Baehr , 1995
- Mecyclothorax euryoides Liebherr, 2009
- Mecyclothorax everardi Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax ewingi Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax excavatus Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax exilioides Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax exilis Britton, 1948
- Mecyclothorax externestriatus Perrault, 1989
- Mecyclothorax eyrensis (Blackburn, 1892)
- Mecyclothorax fairmairei Perrault, 1986
- Mecyclothorax fatata Liebherr, 2012
- Mecyclothorax fefemata Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax ferovipennis Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax ferruginosus Perrault, 1988
- Mecyclothorax filipes (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax filipoides Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax filitarsis Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax flavipes Liebherr, 2009
- Mecyclothorax flaviventris Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax flavolateralis Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax flavomarginatus Britton, 1948
- Mecyclothorax fleutiauxi (Jeannel, 1944)
- Mecyclothorax footei Liebherr, 2008
- Mecyclothorax fortis (Blackburn, 1889)
- Mecyclothorax fosbergi Perrault, 1979
- Mecyclothorax fosbergioides Perrault, 1988
- Mecyclothorax foveolatus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax foveopunctatus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax funebris Liebherr, 2008
- Mecyclothorax fuscus Perrault, 1989
- Mecyclothorax gagnei Liebherr, 2008
- Mecyclothorax geminatus Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax georgettae Perrault, 1978
- Mecyclothorax gerardi Perrault, 1978
- Mecyclothorax giffardi Liebherr, 2005
- Mecyclothorax gifini Liebherr, 2008
- Mecyclothorax globicollis (Mandl, 1969)
- Mecyclothorax globosoides Perrault, 1989
- Mecyclothorax globosus (Britton, 1948)
- Mecyclothorax globulosus Perrault, 1978
- Mecyclothorax gourvesi Perrault, 1978
- Mecyclothorax gourvesioides Perrault, 1988
- Mecyclothorax goweri Moore, 1992
- Mecyclothorax gracilicollis Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax granulatus Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax granulipennis Liebherr, 2008
- Mecyclothorax progressitti Liebherr, 2017
- Mecyclothorax haleakalae (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax hamatus Perrault, 1988
- Mecyclothorax haydeni Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax hemisphaericus Perrault, 1989
- Mecyclothorax hephaestoides Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax hephaestus Liebherr, 2008
- Mecyclothorax hoeahiti Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax howei Moore, 1992
- Mecyclothorax hunapopoti Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax impressipennis Baehr, 2003
- Mecyclothorax improcerus Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax impunctatus Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax inaequalis (Blackburn, 1878)
- Mecyclothorax incompositus Britton, 1948
- Mecyclothorax inconscriptus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax inflatus Baehr , 2003
- Mecyclothorax inflatus inflatus Baehr , 2003
- Mecyclothorax inflatus spinifer Baehr , 2003
- Mecyclothorax insolitus (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax invictus Liebherr, 2009
- Mecyclothorax invisitatus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax interruptus Sharp, 1903
- Mecyclothorax irregularis Britton, 1948
- Mecyclothorax iteratus Sharp, 1903
- Mecyclothorax jarrigei Perrault, 1978
- Mecyclothorax jeanneli Liebherr, 2018
- Mecyclothorax jeanyvesi Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax jiwikae Baehr , 1995
- Mecyclothorax joni Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax julianae Baehr , 1995
- Mecyclothorax kahalawaiae Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax kanak Moore & Liebherr, 2018
- Mecyclothorax karschi (Blackburn, 1882)
- Mecyclothorax kaukukini Liebherr, 2008
- Mecyclothorax kaumakani Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax kavanaughi Liebherr, 2008
- Mecyclothorax kayballae Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax kipahulu Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax kipwilli Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax kokone Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax konanus Sharp, 1903
- Mecyclothorax konemata Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax krushelnyckyi Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax kubor Baehr , 2008
- Mecyclothorax kuiki Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax lackneri Baehr , 2008
- Mecyclothorax laetus (Blackburn, 1881)
- Mecyclothorax laevilateralis Perrault, 1989
- Mecyclothorax lahainae Britton, 1948
- Mecyclothorax langdae Baehr , 1995
- Mecyclothorax lateralis (Castelnau, 1867)
- Mecyclothorax laterobustus Liebherr, 2018
- Mecyclothorax laterorectus Liebherr, 2018
- Mecyclothorax laterosinuatus Liebherr, 2018
- Mecyclothorax laterovatulus Liebherr, 2018
- Mecyclothorax latissimus Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax latus Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax lemur Liebherr, 2009
- Mecyclothorax lewisensis Moore, 1984
- Mecyclothorax lewisensis uncinatus Baehr , 2003
- Mecyclothorax lisae Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax lissopterus Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax lissus (Andrewes, 1933)
- Mecyclothorax lobatus Liebherr, 2009
- Mecyclothorax loebli Baehr , 2002
- Mecyclothorax longidux Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax longulus Sharp, 1903
- Mecyclothorax lophoides (Chaudoir, 1854)
- Mecyclothorax lyratus Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax macrops (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax mahatahi Liebherr, 2012
- Mecyclothorax mahina Perrault, 1984
- Mecyclothorax major Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax manautei Liebherr, 2018
- Mecyclothorax manina Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax maninamata Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax maninapopoti Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax manducus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax mapo Liebherr, 2012
- Mecyclothorax mapura Perrault, 1984
- Mecyclothorax marau Perrault, 1978
- Mecyclothorax marginatus Perrault, 1978
- Mecyclothorax mauiae Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax maunakukini Liebherr, 2008
- Mecyclothorax medeirosi Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax medioconstrictus Liebherr, 2017
- Mecyclothorax megalovatulus Liebherr, 2018
- Mecyclothorax menemene Liebherr, 2012
- Mecyclothorax micans (Blackburn, 1878)
- Mecyclothorax microps Sharp, 1903
- Mecyclothorax minimops Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax minor Britton, 1948
- Mecyclothorax minutus (Castelnau, 1867)
- Mecyclothorax molokaiae (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax molops (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax montanus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax monteithi Moore, 1985
- Mecyclothorax montivagus (Blackburn, 1878)
- Mecyclothorax moorei Baehr, 2009
- Mecyclothorax mordax Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax mordicus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax mouensis Moore & Liebherr, 2018
- Mecyclothorax multipunctatus (Blackburn, 1878)
- Mecyclothorax mundanus (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax muriauxi Perrault, 1978
- Mecyclothorax najtae Deuve, 1987
- Mecyclothorax nanunctus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax negrei Perrault, 1986
- Mecyclothorax neonomer Will & Liebherr, 2022
- Mecyclothorax niho Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax ninamu Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax niobe Liebherr, 2009
- Mecyclothorax nitidus Liebherr, 2008
- Mecyclothorax notobscuricornis Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax nubicola (Blackburn, 1878)
- Mecyclothorax oahuensis (Blackburn, 1878)
- Mecyclothorax oaoa Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax obscuricolor (Blackburn, 1878)
- Mecyclothorax obscuricornis Sharp, 1903
- Mecyclothorax obscurus Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax obtuseangulatus Baehr , 2014
- Mecyclothorax obtusus Perrault, 1984
- Mecyclothorax occultus Sharp, 1903
- Mecyclothorax octavius Liebherr, 2018
- Mecyclothorax oculatus Sharp, 1903
- Mecyclothorax oculellus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax ommatoplax Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax oopteroides Liebherr & Marris, 2009
- Mecyclothorax oppenheimeri Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax orbiculus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax otagoensis Liebherr & Marris, 2009
- Mecyclothorax ovalipennis Perrault, 1988
- Mecyclothorax ovalis Sloane, 1915
- Mecyclothorax ovatulus Liebherr, 2009
- Mecyclothorax ovipennis Sharp, 1903
- Mecyclothorax paahonu Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax pahere Liebherr, 2012
- Mecyclothorax palikea Liebherr & Krushelnycky, 2011
- Mecyclothorax pallidus Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax palustris (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax palustroides Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax paniensis Liebherr, 2018
- Mecyclothorax papau Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax papuhiti Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax paradoxus (Blackburn, 1879)
- Mecyclothorax paraglobosus Perrault, 1989
- Mecyclothorax paraltiusculus Perrault, 1988
- Mecyclothorax parapicalis Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax parovalipennis Perrault, 1988
- Mecyclothorax patagiatus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax patulus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax pau Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax pele (Blackburn, 1879)
- Mecyclothorax pelops Liebherr, 2009
- Mecyclothorax perivariipes Liebherr, 2008
- Mecyclothorax perkinsi (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax perkinsianus (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax perpolitus Perkins, 1917
- Mecyclothorax perseveratus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax perstriatus (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax peryphoides (Blackburn, 1889)
- Mecyclothorax picdupinsensis Liebherr, 2018
- Mecyclothorax pirihao Liebherr, 2012
- Mecyclothorax pitohitiensis Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax planatus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax planipennis Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax platops Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax platysminus (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax polhemusi Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax pomarei Perrault, 1986
- Mecyclothorax poouli Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax popotioaoa Liebherr, 2012
- Mecyclothorax poria Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax poro Liebherr, 2012
- Mecyclothorax profondestriatus Perrault, 1989
- Mecyclothorax pseudaltiusculus Perrault, 1988
- Mecyclothorax punakukini Liebherr, 2008
- Mecyclothorax punctatostriatus Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax punctatus (Sloane, 1895)
- Mecyclothorax punctatus peckorum Baehr , 2016
- Mecyclothorax punctipennis (Macleay, 1871)
- Mecyclothorax purpuripennis Liebherr, 2008
- Mecyclothorax pusillus Sharp, 1903
- Mecyclothorax putaputa Liebherr, 2012
- Mecyclothorax quadraticollis Perrault, 1984
- Mecyclothorax rahimata Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax ramagei Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax ramsdalei Liebherr, 2009
- Mecyclothorax rectangulus Louwerens, 1953
- Mecyclothorax refulgens Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax reiteratus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax rex Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax riedeli Baehr , 1992
- Mecyclothorax robustus (Blackburn, 1881)
- Mecyclothorax rotundatus Lorenz, 1998
- Mecyclothorax rotundicollis (hvid, 1846)
- Mecyclothorax rufipennis Liebherr, 2008
- Mecyclothorax rusticus Sharp, 1903
- Mecyclothorax sabulicola (Britton, 1948)
- Mecyclothorax sapei Baehr , 1995
- Mecyclothorax satyrus Liebherr, 2009
- Mecyclothorax scapulatus Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax scarites Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax scaritoides (Blackburn, 1878)
- Mecyclothorax sculptonotatus (Enderlein, 1909)
- Mecyclothorax sedlaceki Darlington, 1971
- Mecyclothorax semistriatus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax sharpi Britton, 1948
- Mecyclothorax simiolus (Blackburn, 1878)
- Mecyclothorax simpulum Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax sinuatus Perrault, 1988
- Mecyclothorax sinuosus Liebherr, 2008
- Mecyclothorax sobrinus Sharp, 1903
- Mecyclothorax spinosus Perrault, 1989
- Mecyclothorax splendidus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax stenolophinus Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax storeyi Moore, 1984
- Mecyclothorax storeyi frerei Baehr , 2003
- Mecyclothorax strigosus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax striatopunctatus Perrault, 1986
- Mecyclothorax subater Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax subconstrictus (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax subquadratus Perrault, 1984
- Mecyclothorax subsinuatus Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax subternus Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax subtilis Britton & Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax subunctus (Perkins, 1917)
- Mecyclothorax superstriatus Liebherr, 2005
- Mecyclothorax swezeyi Liebherr, 2008
- Mecyclothorax taatitore Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax tahitiensis Perrault, 1978
- Mecyclothorax taiarapu Perrault, 1989
- Mecyclothorax takumiae Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax tantalus Britton, 1948
- Mecyclothorax tauberorum Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax teatara Perrault, 1986
- Mecyclothorax tihotii Liebherr, 2012
- Mecyclothorax timberlakei Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax toretore Liebherr, 2012
- Mecyclothorax toxopei Darlington, 1962
- Mecyclothorax trisetifer Liebherr, 2007
- Mecyclothorax tuberculatus Perrault, 1988
- Mecyclothorax tuea Liebherr, 2013
- Mecyclothorax tutei Liebherr, 2012
- Mecyclothorax uncinus Liebherr, 2009
- Mecyclothorax unctus (Blackburn, 1881)
- Mecyclothorax ustulatus Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax vaifaufa Perrault, 1989
- Mecyclothorax variipes (Sharp, 1903)
- Mecyclothorax vicinus Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax villiersi Perrault, 1986
- Mecyclothorax viridis Perrault, 1978
- Mecyclothorax vitreus Britton, 1948
- Mecyclothorax vulcanoides Liebherr, 2011
- Mecyclothorax vulcanus (Blackburn, 1879)
- Mecyclothorax waikamoi Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax wallisi Perrault, 1986
- Mecyclothorax williamsi Liebherr, 2008
- Mecyclothorax xestos Liebherr, 2015
- Mecyclothorax zimmermani Perrault, 1978
- ↑ 1 2 3 4 Liebherr James K. (2011). " Mecyclothorax -billerne (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Moriomorphini) fra West Maui, Hawaii: taksonomi, biogeografi og bevaring." Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift . 58 (1): 15-76. DOI : 10.1002/mmnd.201100005 .
- ↑ Britton, EB 1948. En revision af den hawaiianske art af Mecyclothorax (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Lejlighedsvise papirer fra Bernice P. Bishop Museum 19(4): 107–166.
- ↑ Mecyclothorax Sharp, 1903 . Carabidae of the World (2015). Hentet: 24. december 2015. (ubestemt)
- ↑ Liebherr James K. (2015). " Mecyclothorax -billerne (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Moriomorphini) i Haleakalā, Maui: hjørnestenen i en hyperdivers stråling fra Hawaii." ZooKeys (544): 407 s. doi : 10.3897/zookeys.544.6074 . PMID 26798289 .
- ↑ Kipling Will & James K. Liebherr (2022). "To nye arter af Mecyclothorax Sharp, 1903 (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Moriomorphini) fra øen Hawaii." Pan-Pacific Entomolog . 98 (1): 1-17. DOI : 10.3956/2022-98.1.1 . S2CID 247856439 .
- ↑ Liebherr James K. (2013). " Mecyclothorax biller (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Moriomorphini) fra Tahiti, Society Islands" . ZooKeys (322): 170 s. doi : 10.3897/zookeys.322.5492 . PMC 3760220 . PMID 24003312 .
- ↑ Liebherr James K. (2012). "Den første præcinctive Carabidae fra Moorea, Society Islands: nye Mecyclothorax spp. (Coleoptera) fra toppen af Mont Tohiea” . ZooKeys (224): 37-80. doi : 10.3897/zookeys.224.3675 . PMC 3487645 . PMID 23129989 .
- ↑ 12 Baehr , Martin. (2003). "Psydrine-jordbiller (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Psydrinae), undtagen Amblytelini, i østlige Queensland-regnskove" . Erindringer fra Queensland Museum . 49 (1): 65-109.
- ↑ Liebherr James K. (2017). "Anmeldelse af Mecyclothorax Sharp (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Moriomorphini) fra Papua Ny Guinea med beskrivelser af fem nye arter." Coleopterists Bulletin . 71 (4): 679-703. DOI : 10.1649/0010-065x-71.4.679 . S2CID 90143707 .
- ↑ 1 2 Liebherr JK (2018). "Kladistisk klassificering af Mecyclothorax Sharp (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Moriomorphini) og taksonomisk revision af den nykaledonske underslægt Phacothorax Jeannel". Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift . 65 : 1-63. DOI : 10.3897/dez.65.21000 .
- ↑ Liebherr James K. (2008). "Taxonomisk revision af Mecyclothorax Sharp (Coleoptera, Carabidae) fra Hawaii Island: rigelig kønsvariation i en begyndende ø-stråling". Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift . 55 (1): 19-78. DOI : 10.1002/mmnd.200800004 .
- ↑ Sharp D. 1903 . Coleoptera II. Caraboidea. I Sharp D. (red.) Fauna Hawaiiensis 3. The University Press, Cambridge: pp. 175-292 + pls. VI–VII. [oprindelig beskrivelse: s. 243]
- ↑ Larochelle A., Larivière M.-C. Carabidae (Insecta: Coleoptera): synopsis af arter, Cicindelinae til Trechinae (delvis) (engelsk) // Fauna i New Zealand: Monografi. - 2003. - Bd. 69. - S. 1-193. - doi : 10.7931/J2/FNZ.69 .
- Baehr, M. 2003: Psydrine jordbiller (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Psydrinae), undtagen Amblytelini, i regnskove i det østlige Queensland. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum, 49: 65-109.
- Liebherr, JK 2011. Kladistisk vurdering af subtribal affiniteter inden for stammen Moriomorphini med beskrivelse af Rossjoycea glacialis , gen. n. og sp. n. fra Sydøen, og revision af Meonochilus Liebherr og Marris fra Nordøen, New Zealand (Coleoptera, Carabidae). Zoo Keys 147: 277-335. ISBN 978-954-642-614-7 DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.147.1898
Taksonomi |