Det symbolske National Football League Centenary Team ( National Football League 100th Anniversary All-Time Team ) blev dannet i 2019 som en del af begivenheder for at markere 100-års jubilæumssæsonen i organisationens historie. Et specielt oprettet udvalg bestående af seksogtyve specialister, der repræsenterer ligaen, klubber, spillere og journalister, var direkte involveret i udvælgelsen af spillere i dens sammensætning.
Introduktionen af spillerne og trænerne fra Team of the Century løb i seks uger fra 22. november til 27. december 2019 som et tv-show på NFL Network . Det blev arrangeret af Rich Eisen og Chris Collinsworth og nuværende New England Patriots træner Bill Belichick. I 2020 vandt NFL 100 All-Time Team- showet en Sports Emmy Award for Outstanding Limited Edition Studio Show.
Dannelsen af et symbolsk hold af ligastjerner var en af begivenhederne, der faldt sammen med den hundrede sæson i NFL's historie. Det endelige mål for komiteen, som omfattede ligarepræsentanter, klubpersonale, cheftrænere, tidligere spillere og journalister, var at identificere hundrede spillere og ti trænere, der kom ind i ligaens historie som dens største repræsentanter [1] [2] .
Udvælgelsen af udvalgsmedlemmer begyndte i 2018. De blev rekrutteret af NFL Vice President of Special Projects Pete Abitante, tidligere NFL Vice President for Player Affairs og historiker Joel Bassert, og Pro Football Hall of Famer Joe Horrigan. Ifølge Abitante søgte de at udvælge personer, der havde en dyb respekt for historien om NFL, dets hold og spillere, og som også var klar til seriøst researcharbejde [1] [2] .
Udvalget omfattede seksogtyve specialister, som begyndte arbejdet den 11. april 2018. For i detaljer at studere de spillere, der spillede i perioden fra 1920'erne til 1940'erne, blev der i udvalget nedsat en arbejdsgruppe, som skulle undersøge de tilgængelige materialer. Det blev ledet af Bill Belichick og John Madden [3] . Deres rapport blev præsenteret for resten af udvalget i maj. Komiteen afsluttede sit arbejde den 15. juni 2018, efter at have dannet den endelige liste over spillere og trænere inkluderet i Århundredets hold [1] [2] .
Navnene på de seksogtyve medlemmer af NFL's 100-årige Greatest Players and Coaches Committee blev frigivet den 13. november 2019 [2] .
Specialist | Præstationer og positioner |
NFL repræsentanter | |
Joel Bassert | tidligere NFL-vicepræsident for spilleranliggender, historiker |
Joe Horrigan | Pro Football Hall of Fame indsat |
Chris Willis | NFL Films bidragyder , historiker |
Trænere | |
Bill Belichick | seks gange Super Bowl -vinder |
Vermil | Super Bowl vinder |
Tony Dungey | Super Bowl-vinder, medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame |
Dick Lebo | to gange Super Bowl-vinder, medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame |
John Madden | Super Bowl-vinder, medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame |
Don Shula | Super Bowl-vinder, medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame |
daglige ledere | |
Ernie Accorsi | general manager for NFL-klubber i atten år |
Brandt | to gange Super Bowl-vinder, medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame |
Ron Wolf | Super Bowl-vinder, medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame |
Charlie Casserly | Super Bowl-vinder, general manager for NFL-klubber i fjorten år |
Bill Polian | Super Bowl-vinder, medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame |
Spillere | |
Ozzy Newsom | to gange Super Bowl-vinder, medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame |
Dan Fouts | medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame, kommentator |
Art Shell | to gange Super Bowl-vinder, Pro Football Hall of Famer, træner |
Ron Jaworski | quarterback, kommentator |
Journalister | |
Dave Anderson | New York Times klummeskribent , vinder af Pulitzer -prisen |
Judy Battista | klummeskribent og reporter for NFL Media |
Jarrett Bell | USA Today klummeskribent |
Chris Berman | ESPN -kanalanker |
Rick Gosselin | tidligere klummeskribent for The Dallas Morning News |
Peter King | journalist |
Don Pearson | journalist, forfatter |
Karean Williams | præsident for Football Writers Association of America |
Offentliggørelsen af resultaterne og præsentationen af spillere og trænere, der er inkluderet i århundredets National Football League Team, begyndte den 22. november 2019. I seks uger om fredagen sendte NFL Network et timelangt show, hvor værterne Rich Eisen, Chris Collinsworth og Bill Belichick annoncerede navnene på adskillige trænere og spillere grupperet efter position: running backs ; defensive linemen og linebackers ; cornerbacks , sikkerheds- og specialholdsspillere ; tight ender og offensive linemen ; modtagere ; quarterbacks . Den sidste serie af udsendelser viet til quarterbacks var to timer [1] [2] .
I august 2020 vandt NFL 100 All-Time Team- showet en Sports Emmy Award for Outstanding Limited Edition Studio Show [4] . Bill Belichick blev nomineret til prisen for bedste studieanalytiker for sit arbejde med projektet [5] .
De eneste kriterier, som potentielle medlemmer af Århundredets hold blev bedømt efter, var deres præstationer og bidrag til fodboldens historie. Udvalgte spillere skal også have brugt mindst fem sæsoner i NFL, AFL og All-American Football Conference. Efter beslutning fra udvalget blev hundrede udvalgte spillere opdelt i grupper efter deres spilleroller uden at bestemme pladserne inden for hver af dem. Ti quarterbacks, tolv running backs, ti wide receivers, fem tight ends, syv tacklinger og guards hver, fire centre blev valgt blandt de offensive spillere. Blandt forsvarsspillerne blev der valgt syv forsvarsspillere og defensive tacklinger, seks indvendige og udvendige linebackere, syv cornerbacks, seks safetyer. Special teams-spillere var repræsenteret af to kickere, to pantere og to returspecialister. For spillere, der spillede på flere positioner, blev hoved [1] [2] bestemt .
Spiller | Et billede | Karriere | Præstationer | Links |
Quarterbacks | ||||
Sammy Bo | Washington Redskins (1937-1952) | NFL-mester ( 1937 , 1942 ) Pro bowl- deltager (1938-1942, 1951) medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1963) |
[6] [7] [8] | |
Tom Brady | New England Patriots (2000-2019) Tampa Bay Buccaneers (siden 2020) |
Super Bowl - vinder ( XXXVI , XXXVIII , XXXIX , XLIX , LI , LIII ) NFL MVP (2007, 2010, 2017) Pro Bowl-deltager (2001, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2009-2018) |
[6] [7] [9] | |
Otto Graham | Cleveland Browns (1946-1955) [komm. en] | NFL Champion ( 1950 , 1954 , 1955 ) Pro Bowl-medlem (1950-1954) Medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1965) |
[6] [7] [10] | |
Dan Marino | Miami Dolphins (1983-1999) | NFL MVP (1984) Pro Bowl (1983-1987, 1991, 1992, 1994, 1995) Pro Football Hall of Famer (2005) |
[6] [7] [11] | |
Joe Montana | San Francisco 49ers (1979-1992) Kansas City Chiefs (1993-1994) |
Super Bowl vinder ( XVI , XIX , XXIII , XXIV ) NFL MVP (1989, 1990) Pro Bowl-deltager (1981, 1983-1985, 1987, 1989, 1990, 1993) Medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (2000) |
[6] [7] [12] | |
Peyton Manning | Indianapolis Colts (1998-2011) Denver Broncos (2012-2015) |
Super Bowl-vinder ( XLI , 50 ) NFL MVP (2003, 2004, 2008, 2009, 2013) Pro Bowl-deltager (1999, 2000, 2002-2010, 2012-2014) |
[6] [7] [13] | |
Roger Stobak | Dallas Cowboys (1969-1979) | Super Bowl-vinder ( VI , XII ) Pro Bowl-deltager (1971, 1975-1979) Medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1985) |
[6] [7] [14] | |
Brett Farve | Atlanta Falcons (1991) Green Bay Packers (1992-2007) New York Jets (2008) Minnesota Vikings (2009-2010) |
Super Bowl-vinder ( XXXI ) NFL MVP (1995-1997) Pro Bowl-medlem (1992, 1993, 1995-1997, 2001-2003, 2007-2009) Medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (2016) |
[6] [7] [15] | |
John Elway | Denver Broncos (1983-1998) | Super Bowl-vinder ( XXXII , XXXIII ) NFL MVP (1987) Pro Bowl-deltager (1986, 1987, 1989, 1991, 1993, 1994, 1996-1998) Medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (2004) |
[6] [7] [16] | |
Johnny Unitas | Baltimore Colts (1956-1972) San Diego Chargers (1973) |
NFL-mester ( 1958 , 1959 , 1968 ) Super Bowl-vinder ( V ) NFL MVP (1959, 1964, 1967) Pro Bowl-medlem (1957-1964, 1966, 1967) Pro Football Hall of Fame-medlem (1979) |
[6] [7] [17] | |
løberyg | ||||
Jim Brown | Cleveland Browns (1957-1965) | NFL Champion ( 1964 ) NFL MVP (1957, 1958, 1965) Pro Bowl-medlem (1957-1965) Pro Football Hall of Famer (1971) |
[18] [19] | |
Buuren | Philadelphia Eagles (1944-1951) | NFL-mester ( 1948 , 1949 ) medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1965) |
[18] [20] | |
Eric Dickerson | Los Angeles Rams (1983-1987) Indianapolis Colts (1987-1991) Los Angeles Raiders (1992) Atlanta Falcons (1993) |
medlem af Pro Bowl (1983, 1984, 1986-1989) medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1999) |
[18] [21] | |
hollandske Clark | Portsmouth Spartans (1931-1932) Detroit Lions (1934-1938) |
NFL-mester ( 1935 ) medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1963) |
[18] [22] | |
Campbell | Houston Oilers (1978-1984) New Orleans Saints (1984-1985) |
NFL MVP (1979) Pro Bowl (1978-1981, 1983) Pro Football Hall of Famer (1991) |
[18] [23] | |
Marion Motley | Cleveland Browns (1946-1953) [komm. 1] Pittsburgh Steelers (1955) |
NFL Champion ( 1950 ) Pro Bowl-medlem (1950) Pro Football Hall of Famer (1968) |
[18] [24] | |
Lenny Moore | Baltimore Colts (1956-1967) | NFL-mester ( 1958 , 1959 ) Pro bowl-deltager (1956, 1958-1962, 1964) medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1975) |
[18] [25] | |
Walter Peyton | Chicago Bears (1975-1987) | Super Bowl-vinder ( XX ) NFL MVP (1977) Pro Bowl-medlem (1976-1980, 1984, 1985) Pro Football Hall of Famer (1993) |
[18] [26] | |
Barry Sanders | Detroit Lions (1989-1998) | NFL MVP (1997) Pro Bowl (1989-1998) Pro Football Hall of Famer (2004) |
[18] [27] | |
Gale Sayers | Chicago Bears (1965-1971) | medlem af Pro Bowl (1965-1967, 1969) medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1977) |
[18] [28] | |
OJ Simpson | Buffalo Bills (1969-1977) San Francisco 49ers (1978-1979) |
NFL MVP (1973) Pro Bowl (1972-1976) Pro Football Hall of Famer (1985) |
[18] [29] | |
Emmitt Smith | Dallas Cowboys (1990-2002) Arizona Cardinals (2003-2004) |
Super Bowl-vinder ( XXVII , XXVIII , XXX ) NFL MVP (1993) Pro Bowl-deltager (1990-1995, 1998, 1999) Pro Football Hall of Fame-medlem (2010) |
[18] [30] | |
modtagere | ||||
Raymond | Baltimore Colts (1955-1967) | NFL-mester ( 1958 , 1959 ) Pro bowl-deltager (1958-1961, 1963, 1964) medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1973) |
[31] [32] | |
Largent | Seattle Seahawks (1976-1989) | medlem af Pro Bowl (1978, 1979, 1981, 1984-1987) medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1995) |
[31] [33] | |
Randy Moss | Minnesota Vikings (1998-2004, 2010) Oakland Raiders (2005-2006) New England Patriots (2007-2010) Tennessee Titans (2010) San Francisco 49ers (2012) |
medlem af Pro Bowl (1998-2000, 2002, 2003, 2007) medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (2018) |
[31] [34] | |
Lance Allworth | San Diego Chargers (1962-1970) Dallas Cowboys (1971-1972) |
AFL Champion ( 1963 ) Super Bowl Vinder ( VI ) AFL All-Star (1963-1969) Pro Football Hall of Famer (1978) |
[31] [35] | |
Jerry Rice | San Francisco 49ers (1985-2000) Oakland Raiders (2001-2004) Seattle Seahawks (2004) |
Super Bowl-vinder ( XXIII , XXIV , XXIX ) Pro Bowl-deltager (1986-1996, 1998, 2002) Medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (2010) |
[31] [36] | |
Paul Warfield | Cleveland Browns (1964-1969, 1976-1977) Miami Dolphins (1970-1974) Memphis Southman (1975) |
NFL-mester ( 1964 ) Super Bowl-vinder ( VII , VIII ) Pro bowl-deltager (1964, 1968-1974) medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1983) |
[31] [37] | |
Larry Fitzgerald | Arizona Cardinals (2004 – i dag ) | Pro Bowl-konkurrent (2005, 2007-2013, 2015-2017) | [31] [38] | |
Marvin Harrison | Indianapolis Colts (1996-2008) | Super Bowl-vinder ( XLI ) Pro Bowl-konkurrent (1996-2006) Pro Football Hall of Fame-indført (2016) |
[31] [39] | |
Hutson | Green Bay Packers (1935-1945) | NFL-mester ( 1936 , 1939 , 1944 ) Pro bowl-deltager (1939-1942) medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1963) |
[31] [40] | |
Elroy Hirsch | Chicago Rockets (1946-1948) [komm. 2] Los Angeles Rams (1949-1957) |
NFL-mester ( 1951 ) Pro bowl-deltager (1951-1953) medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1968) |
[31] [41] | |
tætte ender | ||||
Tony Gonzalez | Kansas City Chiefs (1997-2008) Atlanta Falcons (2009-2013) |
Pro Bowl-deltager (1999-2008, 2010-2013) Medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (2019) |
[42] [43] | |
Rob Gronkowski | New England Patriots (2010-2018) Tampa Bay Buccaneers (2020 - i dag ) |
Super Bowl-vinder ( XLIX , LI , LIII ) Pro Bowl-deltager (2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2017) |
[42] [44] | |
Mike Ditka | Chicago Bears (1961-1966) Philadelphia Eagles (1967-1968) Dallas Cowboys (1969-1972) |
NFL-mester ( 1963 ) Super Bowl-vinder ( VI ) Pro bowl-deltager (1961-1965) medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1988) |
[42] [45] | |
John Mackie | Baltimore Colts (1963-1971) San Diego Chargers (1972) |
NFL-mester ( 1968 ) Super Bowl-vinder ( V ) Pro Bowl-medlem (1963, 1965-1968) Pro Football Hall of Famer (1992) |
[42] [46] | |
Kellen Winslow | San Diego Chargers (1979-1987) | medlem af Pro Bowl (1980-1983, 1987) medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1995) |
[42] [47] | |
Tekly | ||||
Rosie Brown | New York Giants (1953-1965) | NFL-mester ( 1956 ) Pro bowl-medlem (1955-1960, 1962, 1964, 1965) medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1975) |
[42] [48] | |
Forrest Gregg | Green Bay Packers (1956, 1958-1970) Dallas Cowboys (1971) |
NFL-mester ( 1961 , 1962 , 1965 , 1966 , 1967 ) Super Bowl-vinder ( I , II , VI ) Pro Bowl-deltager (1959-1964, 1966-1968) medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1977) |
[42] [49] | |
Walter Jones | Seattle Seahawks (1997-2009) | Pro Bowl-medlem (1999, 2001-2008) Medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (2014) |
[42] [50] | |
Anthony Munoz | Cincinnati Bengals (1980-1992) | Pro Bowl-medlem (1981-1991) Medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1998) |
[42] [51] | |
Jonathan Ogden | Baltimore Ravens (1996-2007) | Super Bowl-vinder ( XXXV ) Pro Bowl-konkurrent (1997-2007) Pro Football Hall of Fame-indført (2013) |
[42] [52] | |
Cal Hubbard | New York Giants (1927-1928, 1936) Green Bay Packers (1929-1933, 1935) Pittsburgh Pirates (1936) |
NFL-mester ( 1927 , 1929 , 1930 , 1931 ) medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1963) |
[42] [53] | |
Art Shell | Oakland/Los Angeles Raiders (1968-1982) | Super Bowl-vinder ( XI , XV ) Pro Bowl-deltager (1972-1978, 1980) Medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1989) |
[42] [54] | |
Vagter | ||||
Larry Allen | Dallas Cowboys (1994-2005) San Francisco 49ers (2006-2007) |
Super Bowl-vinder ( XXX ) Pro Bowl-deltager (1995-2001, 2003-2006) Pro Football Hall of Fame-indført (2013) |
[42] [55] | |
Gene Upshaw | Oakland Raiders (1967-1981) | AFL Champion ( 1967 ) Super Bowl Champion ( XI , XV ) Pro Bowl-medlem (1972-1977) Pro Football Hall of Famer (1987) |
[42] [56] | |
Randall McDaniel | Minnesota Vikings (1988-1999) Tampa Bay Buccaneers (2000-2001) |
Pro Bowl-medlem (1989-2000) Medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (2009) |
[42] [57] | |
Bruce Matthews | Houston Oilers (1983-1996) Tennessee Titans (1997-2001) |
Pro Bowl-medlem (1988-2001) Medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (2007) |
[42] [58] | |
Jim | Baltimore Colts (1957-1967) | NFL-mester ( 1958 , 1959 ) Pro bowl-deltager (1958-1965) medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1973) |
[42] [59] | |
Dan Fortmann | Chicago Bears (1936-1943) | NFL-mester ( 1940 , 1941 , 1943 ) Pro bowl-deltager (1940-1942) medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1965) |
[42] [60] | |
John Hanna | New England Patriots (1973-1985) | Pro Bowl-medlem (1976, 1978-1985) Medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1991) |
[42] [61] | |
centre | ||||
Otto | Oakland Raiders (1960-1974) | AFL Champion ( 1967 ) AFL All-Star (1961-1969) Pro Bowl (1970-1972) Pro Football Hall of Famer (1980) |
[42] [62] | |
Dwight Stevenson | Miami Dolphins (1980-1987) | Pro Bowl-medlem (1983-1987) Medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1998) |
[42] [63] | |
Mike | Pittsburgh Steelers (1974-1988) Kansas City Chiefs (1989-1990) |
Super Bowl-vinder ( IX , X , XIII , XIV ) Pro Bowl-deltager (1978-1985, 1987) Medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1997) |
[42] [64] | |
Mel Hein | New York Giants (1931-1945) | NFL-mester ( 1934 , 1938 ) Pro bowl-deltager (1938-1941) medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1963) |
[42] [65] |
Spiller | Et billede | Karriere | Præstationer | Links |
D-ender | ||||
Atkins | Cleveland Browns (1953-1954) Chicago Bears (1955-1966) New Orleans Saints (1967-1969) |
NFL-mester ( 1954 , 1963 ) Pro bowl- deltager (1957-1963, 1965) medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1982) |
[66] [67] | |
Deacon Jones | Los Angeles Rams (1961-1971) San Diego Chargers (1972-1973) Washington Redskins (1974) |
medlem af Pro Bowl (1964-1970, 1972) medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1980) |
[66] [68] | |
Gino Marchetti | Dallas Texans (1952) Baltimore Colts (1953-1964, 1966) |
NFL-mester ( 1958 , 1959 ) Pro bowl-deltager (1954-1964) medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1972) |
[66] [69] | |
Lee Roy Selmon | Tampa Bay Buccaneers (1976-1984) | Pro Bowl-medlem (1979-1984) Medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1995) |
[66] [70] | |
Smith | Buffalo Bills (1985-1999) Washington Redskins (2000-2003) |
medlem af Pro Bowl (1987-1990, 1992-1998) medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (2009) |
[66] [71] | |
Reggie White | Memphis Showboats (1984-1985) Philadelphia Eagles (1985-1992) Green Bay Packers (1993-1998) Carolina Panthers (2000) |
Super Bowl - vinder ( XXXI ) Pro Bowl-deltager (1987-1990, 1992-1998) Medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (2006) |
[66] [72] | |
Hewitt | Chicago Bears (1932-1936) Philadelphia Eagles (1937-1939) Stigles (1943) [komm. 3] |
NFL-mester ( 1932 , 1933 ) medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1971) |
[66] [73] | |
Tekly | ||||
Buck | Kansas City Chiefs (1963-1975) | AFL-mester ( 1966 , 1969 ) Super Bowl-vinder ( IV ) AFL All-Star (1964-1969) Pro Bowl-deltager (1970, 1971) medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1990) |
[66] [74] | |
Joe | Pittsburgh Steelers (1969-1981) | Super Bowl-vinder ( IX , X , XIII , XIV ) Pro Bowl-deltager (1969-1976, 1978, 1979) Medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1987) |
[66] [75] | |
Bob | Dallas Cowboys (1961-1974) | Super Bowl-vinder ( VI ) Pro Bowl-deltager (1962, 1964-1973) Medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1980) |
[66] [76] | |
Merlin Olsen | Los Angeles Rams (1962-1976) | Pro Bowl-medlem (1962-1975) Medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1982) |
[66] [77] | |
Alan Page | Minnesota Vikings (1967-1978) Chicago Bears (1978-1981) |
NFL Champion ( 1969 ) NFL MVP (1971) Pro Bowl Member (1968-1976) Pro Football Hall of Famer (1988) |
[66] [78] | |
Randle | Minnesota Vikings (1990-2000) Seattle Seahawks (2001-2003) |
medlem af Pro Bowl (1993-1998, 2001) medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (2010) |
[66] [79] | |
Randy White | Dallas Cowboys (1975-1988) | Super Bowl-vinder ( XII ) Pro Bowl-deltager (1977-1985) Medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1994) |
[66] [80] | |
Outside linebackere | ||||
Chuck Bednarik | Philadelphia Eagles (1949-1962) | NFL Champion ( 1949 , 1960 ) Pro Bowl-medlem (1950-1954, 1956, 1957, 1960) Medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1967) |
[66] [81] | |
Bell | Kansas City Chiefs (1963-1974) | AFL-mester ( 1966 , 1969 ) Super Bowl-vinder ( IV ) AFL All-Star (1964-1969) Pro Bowl (1970-1972) medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1986) |
[66] [82] | |
Derrick | Tampa Bay Buccaneers (1995-2008) | Super Bowl-vinder ( XXXVII ) Pro Bowl-deltager (1997-2006, 2008) Pro Football Hall of Fame-indført (2014) |
[66] [83] | |
Lawrence Taylor | New York Giants (1981-1993) | Super Bowl-vinder ( XXI , XXV ) NFL MVP (1986) Pro Bowl-deltager (1981-1990) Medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1999) |
[66] [84] | |
Ted Hendrix | Baltimore Colts (1969-1973) Green Bay Packers (1974) Oakland/Los Angeles Raiders (1975-1983) |
Super Bowl-vinder ( V , XI , XV , XVIII ) Pro Bowl-deltager (1971-1974, 1980-1983) Medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1990) |
[66] [85] | |
Jack Ham | Pittsburgh Steelers (1971-1982) | Super Bowl-vinder ( IX , X , XIII , XIV ) Pro Bowl-deltager (1973-1980) Medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1988) |
[66] [86] | |
Indvendige linebackere | ||||
Dick Butkas | Chicago Bears (1965-1973) | Pro Bowl-medlem (1965-1972) Medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1979) |
[66] [87] | |
Lambert | Pittsburgh Steelers (1974-1984) | Super Bowl-vinder ( IX , X , XIII , XIV ) Pro Bowl-deltager (1975-1983) Medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1990) |
[66] [88] | |
Willie Lanier | Kansas City Chiefs (1967-1977) | AFL champion ( 1969 ) Super Bowl vinder ( IV ) AFL All-Star (1968, 1969) Pro Bowl (1970-1975) medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1986) |
[66] [89] | |
Ray Lewis | Baltimore Ravens (1996-2012) | Super Bowl-vinder ( XXXV , XLVII ) Pro Bowl-deltager (1997-2001, 2003, 2004, 2006-2011) Medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (2018) |
[66] [90] | |
Junior Seio | San Diego Chargers (1990-2002) Miami Dolphins (2003-2005) New England Patriots (2006-2009) |
Pro Bowl-deltager (1991-2002) Medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (2015) |
[66] [91] | |
Schmidt | Detroit Lions (1953-1965) | NFL-mester ( 1953 , 1957 ) Pro bowl-deltager (1954-1963) medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1973) |
[66] [92] | |
Hjørnebacks | ||||
Blount | Pittsburgh Steelers (1970-1983) | Super Bowl-vinder ( IX , X , XIII , XIV ) Pro Bowl-deltager (1975, 1976, 1978, 1979, 1981) Pro Football Hall of Fame-indført (1989) |
[93] [94] | |
Brown | Denver Broncos (1963-1966) Oakland Raiders (1967-1978) |
AFL champion ( 1967 ) Super Bowl vinder ( XI ) AFL All-Star (1964, 1965, 1967-1969) Pro Bowl (1970-1973) medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1984) |
[93] [95] | |
Rod Woodson | Pittsburgh Steelers (1987-1996) San Francisco 49ers (1997) Baltimore Ravens (1998-2001) Oakland Raiders (2002-2003) |
Super Bowl-vinder ( XXXV ) Pro Bowl-deltager (1989-1994, 1996, 1999-2002) Medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (2009) |
[93] [96] | |
Darrell Green | Washington Redskins (1983-2002) | Super Bowl-vinder ( XXII , XXVI ) Pro Bowl-deltager (1984, 1986, 1987, 1990, 1991, 1996, 1997) Pro Football Hall of Fame indsat (2008) |
[93] [97] | |
Night Train Lane | Los Angeles Rams (1952-1953) Chicago Cardinals (1954-1959) Detroit Lions (1960-1965) |
medlem af Pro Bowl (1954-1956, 1958, 1960-1962) medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1974) |
[93] [98] | |
Deion Sanders | Atlanta Falcons (1989-1993) San Francisco 49ers (1994) Dallas Cowboys (1995-1999) Washington Redskins (2000) Baltimore Ravens (2004-2005) |
Super Bowl-vinder ( XXIX , XXX ) Pro Bowl-deltager (1991-1994, 1996-1999) Medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (2011) |
[93] [99] | |
Mike Haynes | New England Patriots (1976-1982) Los Angeles Raiders (1983-1989) |
Super Bowl-vinder ( XVIII ) Pro Bowl-deltager (1976-1980, 1982, 1984-1986) Medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1997) |
[93] [100] | |
Sikkerhed | ||||
Jack Christiansen | Detroit Lions (1951-1958) | NFL Champion ( 1952 , 1953 , 1957 ) Pro Bowl-medlem (1953-1957) Medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1970) |
[93] [101] | |
Ronnie Lott | San Francisco 49ers (1981-1990) Los Angeles Raiders (1991-1992) New York Jets (1993-1994) |
Super Bowl-vinder ( XVI , XIX , XXIII , XXIV ) Pro Bowl-deltager (1981-1984, 1986-1991) Medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (2000) |
[93] [102] | |
Ed Reid | Baltimore Ravens (2002-2012) Houston Texans (2013) New York Jets (2013) |
Super Bowl-vinder ( XLVII ) Pro Bowl-deltager (2003, 2004, 2006-2012) Pro Football Hall of Fame-indført (2019) |
[93] [103] | |
Emlyn Tunnell | New York Giants (1948-1958) Green Bay Packers (1959-1961) |
NFL Champion ( 1959 , 1961 ) Pro Bowl-medlem (1950-1957, 1959) Medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1967) |
[93] [104] | |
Larry Wilson | St. Louis Cardinals (1960-1972) | medlem af Pro Bowl (1962, 1963, 1965-1970) medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1978) |
[93] [105] | |
Ken Houston | Houston Oilers (1967-1972) Washington Redskins (1973-1980) |
AFL champion ( 1967 ) Super Bowl vinder ( XI ) AFL All-Star (1968, 1969) Pro Bowl (1970-1979) medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1986) |
[93] [106] |
Spiller | Et billede | Karriere | Præstationer | Links |
kickere | ||||
Adam Vinatieri | New England Patriots (1996-2005) Indianapolis Colts (2006-2019) |
Super Bowl-vinder ( XXXVI , XXXVIII , XXXIX , XLI ) Pro Bowl-deltager (2002, 2004, 2014) |
[93] [107] | |
Jan Stenerud | Kansas City Chiefs (1967-1979) Green Bay Packers (1980-1983) Minnesota Vikings (1984-1985) |
AFL champion ( 1969 ) Super Bowl vinder ( IV ) AFL All-Star (1968, 1969) Pro Bowl (1970, 1971, 1975, 1984) medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1991) |
[93] [108] | |
Pantere | ||||
Ray Guy | Oakland/Los Angeles Raiders (1973-1986) | Super Bowl-vinder ( XI , XV , XVIII ) Pro Bowl-deltager (1973-1978, 1980) Medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (2014) |
[93] [109] | |
Shane Leclerc | Oakland Raiders (2000-2012) Houston Texans (2013-2017) |
Pro Bowl-konkurrent (2001, 2004, 2007-2011) | [93] [110] | |
Tilbagevendende | ||||
Billy Johnson | Houston Oilers (1974-1980) Atlanta Falcons (1982-1987) Washington Redskins (1988) |
Pro Bowl-deltager (1975, 1977, 1983) | [93] [111] | |
Devin Hester | Chicago Bears (2006-2013) Atlanta Falcons (2014-2015) Baltimore Ravens (2016) Seattle Seahawks (2016) |
Pro Bowl-deltager (2006, 2007, 2010, 2014) | [93] [112] |
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Bill Belichick | Cleveland Browns (1991-1995) New England Patriots (2000 - i dag ) |
Super Bowl - vinder ( XXXVI , XXXVIII , XXXIX , XLIX , LI , LIII ) NFL Coach of the Year (2003, 2007, 2010) |
[113] [114] | |
Paul Brown | Cleveland Browns (1946-1962) [komm. 1] Cincinnati Bengals (1968-1975) |
NFL-mester ( 1950 , 1954 , 1955 ) NFL Coach of the Year (1970) Pro Football Hall of Famer (1967) |
[115] [116] | |
Joe | Washington Redskins (1981-1992, 2004-2007) | Super Bowl vinder ( XVII , XXII , XXVI ) NFL Coach of the Year (1982, 1983) Pro Football Hall of Famer (1966) |
[117] [118] | |
Vince Lombardi | Green Bay Packers (1959-1967) Washington Redskins (1969) |
NFL-mester ( 1961 , 1962 , 1965 , 1966 , 1967 ) Super Bowl vinder ( I , II ) NFL Coach of the Year (1959) Pro Football Hall of Famer (1970) |
[119] [120] | |
Krøllet Lambeau | Green Bay Packers (1919-1949) Chicago Cardinals (1950-1951) Washington Redskins (1952-1953) |
NFL-mester ( 1929 , 1930 , 1931 , 1936 , 1939 , 1944 ) medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1963) |
[121] [122] | |
Tom | Dallas Cowboys (1960-1988) | Super Bowl vinder ( VI , XII ) NFL Coach of the Year (1966) Pro Football Hall of Famer (1990) |
[123] [124] | |
Knoll | Pittsburgh Steelers (1969-1991) | Super Bowl vinder ( IX , X , XIII , XIV ) medlem af Pro Football Hall of Fame (1993) |
[125] [126] | |
Walsh | San Francisco 49ers (1979-1988) | Super Bowl vinder ( XVI , XIX , XXIII ) NFL Coach of the Year (1981) Pro Football Hall of Famer (1993) |
[127] [128] | |
George Halas | Decatur Stiles/Chicago Stiles/Chicago Bears (1920-1929, 1933-1942, 1946-1955, 1958-1967) | Super Bowl vinder ( VII , VIII ) NFL Coach of the Year (1964, 1967, 1968, 1972) Pro Football Hall of Famer (1997) |
[129] [130] | |
Don Shula | Baltimore Colts (1963-1969) Miami Dolphins (1970-1995) |
NFL-mester ( 1921 , 1933 , 1940 , 1941 , 1946 , 1963 ) Årets NFL-træner (1963, 1965) Pro Football Hall of Famer (1963) |
[131] [132] |