Nicholls, Alex
Alex Nicholls ( eng. Alex Nicholls , f. 10. juli 1964 ) er en universitetslektor i socialt entreprenørskab ved Skoll Center for Social Entrepreneurship ved Oxford University Said Business School 2 . Han var den første medarbejder i Skoll Centeret.
Alex Nicholls' forskningsinteresser fokuserer på flere nøgleområder inden for socialt entreprenørskab , herunder interaktioner i den offentlige sektor , organisatorisk legitimitet og styring, udvikling af sociale finansmarkeder effektmåling og innovation. Alex Nicholls udgiver i peer-reviewede tidsskrifter og udfører konsulentarbejde for non-profit organisationer , sociale virksomheder og den britiske regering . Han var medforfatter til den store forskningsbog Fair Trade med Charlotte Opal i 2005. En samling af nøgleartikler om tilstanden af socialt entreprenørskab rundt om i verden blev offentliggjort i 2006 og udkom i Oxford University Press paperback i 2008.
Alex Nicholls har holdt foredrag ved forskellige akademiske institutioner, herunder University of Toronto , Leeds City University , University of Surrey og Aston University Business School .
Han blev stipendiat ved Academy of Marketing Sciences og medlem af Institute for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education . Nicholls tjente også i South East England Regional Social Enterprise Panel og var ikke-udøvende direktør for en større fair trade- virksomhed .
Peer-reviewed tidsskriftsartikler
- 'Strategic Options in Fair Trade Retailing', International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management (2002), 30.1, s. 6-17, A. Nicholls (2002);
- 'The Child-Prent Purchase Relationship: Pester Power, Human Rights and Retail Ethics', Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 11, s. 75-8, A. Nicholls og P. Cullen (2004);
- 'Fair Trade New Product Development', Service Industries Journal, 24.2, s. 102-117, A. Nicholls (2004);
- 'Implementing E-Value Strategies in UK Retailing', International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 33.6, s. 426-443, A. Nicholls og A. Watson (2005)
- 'Playing the Field: A New Approach to the Meaning of Social Entrepreneurship', Social Enterprise Journal, 2.1, s. 1-5, A. Nicholls (2006);
- 'Rediscovering Consumer-Producer Involvement: A Network Perspective on Fair Trade Marketing in the UK', European Journal of Marketing, 40.11-12, s. 1236-1253, A. Nicholls og A. Alexander (2007)
- 'Purchase Decision-Making in Fair Trade and the "Ethical Gap"', Journal of Strategic Marketing, 14, pp. 369-386, A. Nicholls og N. Lee (2007).
- Fair Trade: Market-Driven Ethical Consumption, London: Sage af A. Nicholls og S. Opal (2005)
- Social Entrepreneurship: New Models of Sustainable Social Change, Paperback Edition, Oxford University Press, A. Nicholls (2008).
- 'Social Entrepreneurship: The Emerging Landscape', i Financial Times Handbook of Management: Third Edition (2004), s. 636-43
- 'Introduktion: The Nature of Social Entrepreneurship', i Nicholls, A. (red.), Social Entrepreneurship: New Models of Sustainable Social Change, Oxford University Press (2006), s. 1-35;
- 'Social Entrepreneurship: The Structure of a Field', i Nicholls, A. (red), Social Entrepreneurship: New Models of Sustainable Social Change, Oxford University Press (2006), pp. 99-118;
- 'Social Entrepreneurship', i Carter, S. og Evans-Jones, D. (red.), Enterprise and Small Business: Principles, Practice and Policy. 2. udgave, F.T. Prentice Hall, 2006, s. 220-242
- 'Capturing the Performance of the Socially Entrepreneurial Organization (SEO): An Organizational Legitimacy Approach', i Robinson, J., Mair, J., og Hockerts, K. (red), International Perspectives on Social Entrepreneurship Research, Palgrave MacMillan (forethcoming) )
- Nicholls, A., og Young, R. (2008), 'Introduction: The Changing Landscape of Social Entrepreneurship', i Nicholls, A. (red.), Social Entrepreneurship: New Models of Sustainable Social Change, Paperback Edition, Oxford University Trykke.
Andre publikationer
- Hvad er fremtiden for social virksomhed på etiske markeder?, London, Office of The Third Sector.
- Socialfinansens landskab, Skoll Center for Social Entrepreneurship Research Paper.
- ↑ Bibliothèque nationale de France Record #156049815 // BnF catalog général (fransk) - Paris : BnF .
- ↑ Hjemmeside på SBS Arkiveret 26. august 2018 på Wayback Machine , Hentet 2014-07-29