Quandt, Richard

Richard Quandt
Richard E Quandt
Fødselsdato 1. juni 1930( 1930-06-01 )
Dødsdato 1974 [1]
Videnskabelig sfære økonomi
Alma Mater
Akademisk grad PhD fra Harvard (1957)
Akademisk titel emeritus professor ved Princeton
videnskabelig rådgiver Vasily Leontiev
Kendt som medforfatter til Goldfeld-Quandt-testen
Priser og præmier Storkors af Fortjenstordenen (Ungarn)

Richard Emeric Quandt ( født 1. juni  1930 , Budapest , Ungarn ) er en ungarskfødt amerikansk økonom , økonometriker og teoretisk økonom. Doctor of Philosophy (1957), emeritus professor ved Princeton University , hvor han tilbragte fire årtier, medlem af American Philosophical Society (1991) [3] . Medforfatter til Goldfeld-Quandt-testen .


Han dimitterede fra Princeton University med en B.A. i 1952 og en M.A. fra Harvard University i 1955 . Og i 1957 samme sted - en doktorgrad ( Ph.D. ) [4] .

Han begyndte sin lærerkarriere som assisterende professor i økonomi ved Princeton University fra 1956-1959, derefter som lektor ved Princeton University fra 1959-1964 . Fra 1964-1995 var han professor i økonomi ved Princeton University . Han var også formand for økonomiafdelingen fra 1968-1971 og 1985-1988, direktør for kandidatstudier i økonomiafdelingen fra 1973-1980 og direktør for Center for Finansielle Studier ved Princeton University fra 1982-1995 [4] . I øjeblikket udnævnt til emeritusprofessor (Hughes Rogers professor) i økonomi ved Princeton [3] .

Han var gæsteprofessor ved Beerbeck College , University of London i 1981, medlem af Sloan Commission on Basic Economic Scholarships 1980-1985, medlem af Census Advisory Committee i American Economic Association 1982-1985, formand for Census Advisory Committee i American Economic Association 1983-1984., Medlem af Council of the Econometric Society 1984-1988, Medlem af International Relations Committee i American Statistical Association 1992-1995, Medlem af Advisory Board for Civil Society Foundation 1992- 1996, medlem af AER Committee on US/USSR Exchange 1990-1992, Pew Charitable Foundation Fellows Program Advisory Committee Medlem , Cerge -ei Foundation Board of Trustees 2002-2005, Cerge-ei Foundation bestyrelsesformand 20504-2004 redaktør af magasinet " Miljø og Planlægning " i 1973-1979, magasin la Journal of Regional Science , Transportation Research 1973-1980, Journal of the American Statistical Association 1974-1980, Econometrica 1975-1980, " Bell Journal of Economics " i 1976-1983, " Review of Economics and Statistics " "i 1977-1992, " Journal of Comparative Economics " i 1988-1991, " Empirica-Austrian Journal of Economics" i 1988-1991 [4] .

Han er i øjeblikket Senior Fellow ved Princeton University siden 1995 og seniorrådgiver for Andrew Mellon Foundation 1989, Executive Editor for Oxford University Press siden 2001, Medlem af Board of Trustees for Corwin Foundation siden 1993, Medlem af Board of Governors af de makroøkonomiske og finansielle datacentre i Gdańsk siden 1998, assisterende redaktør af Applied Economics siden 1973 [4] .

Medlem af American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1993), Econometric Society (1968) og American Statistical Association (1979).

Værker omfatter Microeconomic Theory (3. udgave, 1980) og The Econometrics of Disequilibrium (1988) .


For sine præstationer blev han gentagne gange tildelt [4] :


Værker af Richard Quandt:

(med JM Henderson), "Walras, Leontief and the Interdependence of Economic Activity: A Comment," Quarterly Journal of Economics, LXIX (1955), 626-630.

"A Probabilistic Theory of Consumer Behavior," Quarterly Journal of Economics, LXX (1956), 507-536.

"Probabilistiske fejl i Leontief-systemet," Naval Research Logistics Quarterly, 5 (1958), 155-170.

"Estimeringen af ​​parametrene for et lineært regressionssystem, der adlyder to separate regimer," Journal of the American Statistical Association, 53 (1958), 873-880.

"On the Solution of Probabilistic Leontief Systems," Naval Research Logistics Quarterly, (1959), 295-305.

"Tests af hypotesen om, at et lineært regressionssystem adlyder to forskellige regimer," Journal of the American Statistical Association, 55 (1960), 324-330.

(med M. McManus) "Comments on the Stability of the Cournot Oligopoly Model," Review of Economic Studies, XXVII (2), no. 76, (februar 1961), 136-139.

(med HW Kuhn) "On Some Computer Experiments in Linear Programming," Bulletin de l'Institut International de Statistique, XXXIX (1962), 363-372.

(med HW Kuhn) "An Experimental Study of the Simplex Method," Experimental Arithmetic, High Speed ​​​​Computing and Mathematics, Proceedings of the Symposia in Applied Mathematics, 15 (1963), 107-124.

(med CH Frank) "On the Existence of Cournot Equilibrium," International Economic Review, 4 (1963), 93-96.

(med HW Kuhn) "On Upper Bounds for the Number of Iterations in Solving Linear Programs," Operations Research, 12, no. 1, (januar-februar 1964), 161-165.

(med ML Balinski) "On An Integer Program for a Delivery Program," Operations Research, 12, no. 3, (marts-april 1964), 300-304.

(med WJ Baumol) "Tommelfingerregler og optimalt ufuldkomne beslutninger," American Economic Review, LIV (marts 1964), 23-46.

(med W.J. Baumol og H.T. Shapiro) "Oligopoly Theory and Retail Food Pricing," Journal of Business, XXXVII (1964), 346-363.

"Statistical Discrimination Among Alternative Hypotheses and Some Economic Regularities," Journal of Regional Science, 5 (1964), 1-23.

"On Certain Small Sample Properties of k-Class Estimators," International Economic Review, 6 (1965), 92-104.

(med WJ Baumol) "Investerings- og diskonteringsrenter under kapitalrationering — en programmeringstilgang," Economic Journal, LXXV (1965), 317-328.

(med S. M. Goldfeld) "Some Tests for Homoscedasticity," Journal of the American Statistical Association, 60 (1965), 539-547.

(med SM Goldfeld og HF Trotter) "Maximization by Quadratic Hill-Climbing," Econometrica, 34 (juli 1966), 541-551.

(med SM Goldfeld) "Ikke-lineære simultane ligninger: Estimation og forudsigelse," International Economic Review, 9 (1968), 113-136.

(med WJ Baumol og BG Malkiel) "The Valuation of Convertible Securities," Quarterly Journal of Economics, LXXX (1966), 48-59.

"Om størrelsesfordelingen af ​​virksomheder," ​​American Economic Review, LVI, nr. 3, (juni 1966), 416-432.

"On the Stability of Price Adjusting Oligopoly," Southern Economic Journal, XXXIII (1967), 332-336. (med R.E. Miller) "An Analysis of the Randomness of Air Accidents," Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society, 71 (1967), 23-27.

(med S. M. Goldfeld) "Some Tests for Homoscedasticity," Journal of the American Statistical Association, 62 (1967), 1518-1519.

"Estimation of Modal Splits," Transportation Research, 2(1968) 41-50.

(med E. P. Howrey) "The Dynamics of the Number of Firms in an Industry," Review of Economic Studies, 35 (1968), 349-353.

(med SM Goldfeld og HF Trotter) "Maksimering ved forbedret kvadratisk bakkeklatring og andre metoder," Econometric Research Program, Research Memo. ingen. 95, Princeton University, 1968.

(med KH Young) "Cross-Sectional Demand Models: Estimates and Tests," Journal of Regional Science, 9 (1969), 189-200.

(med SM Goldfeld) "The Estimation of Cobb-Douglas Type Functions with Multiplicative and Additive Errors, International Economic Review, 11 (1970), 251-257.

(med WJ Baumol, P. Heim og BG Malkiel) "Earnings Retention and Growth of the Firm," Review of Economics and Statistics, 52 (1970), 345-355.

(med BG Malkiel) "The Supply of Money and Common Stock Prices: A Comment," Journal of Finance, XXVII (1972), 921-926.

"A New Approach to Estimating Switching Regressions," Journal of the American Statistical Association, 67 (1972), 306-310.

(med SM Goldfeld) "A Markov Model for Switching Regressions," Journal of Econometrics, 1 (1973), 3-17.

(med SM Goldfeld) "Estimeringen af ​​strukturelle skift ved at skifte regression," Annals of Economic and Social Measurement, 2 (oktober 1973), 475-485.

(med DM Jaffee og BG Malkiel) "Predicting Common Stock Prices: Payoffs and pitfalls," Journal of Business Research, 2 (januar 1974), 1-16.

"A Comparison of Methods for Testing nonnested hypotheses," Review of Economics and Statistics, LVI (februar 1974), 92-99.

(med JM Litvack og BG Malkiel) "A Plan for Definition of Endowment Income," American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, LXIV (maj 1974), 433-437.

"A Stochastic Model of Elections in Two-Party Systems," Journal of the American Statistical Association, 69 (juni 1974), 315-324.

"Nogle statistiske karakteriseringer af flykapring," Accident Analysis and Prevention, 6 (1974), 115-123.

(med SM Goldfeld) "Estimation in a Disequilibrium Model and the Value of Information," Journal of Econometrics, 3 (1975), 325-348.

"Some Quantitative Aspects of the Economics Journal Literature," Journal of Political Economy, 84 (1976), 741-756.

(med SM Goldfeld) "Estimation of Structural Change in Simultaneous Equation Models" i Studies in Nonlinear Estimation, Ballinger, (1976), 37-60.

(med H.S. Rosen) "Estimation of a Disequilibrium Aggregate Labor Market," Review of Economics and Statistics, LX (august 1978), 371-379.

"Tests of the Equilibrium vs. Disequilibrium Hypotheses," International Economic Review, 19 (1978), 435-452.

(med JB Ramsey) "Estimating Mixtures of Normal Distributions and Switching Regressions," Journal of the American Statistical Association, 73 (1978), 730-752.

(med SM Goldfeld) "Some Properties of the Simple Disequilibrium Model With Covariance," Economics Letters, 1 (1978), 343-346.

(med SM Goldfeld) "Estimation in Multimarket Disequilibrium Models," Economics Letters, 4 (1979), 341-347.

"A Note on the Tobit Likelihood Function," Economics Letters, 4 (1979), 361-362.

"Klassisk og Bayesiansk hypotesetestning: et kompromis," Metroeconomics, 5 (1980).

(med SM Goldfeld og DM Jaffee, "A Model of FHLBB Advances: Rationing or Market Clearing," Review of Economics and Statistics, LXII, (august 1980), 339-347.

(med SM Goldfeld) "Single Market Disequilibrium Models: Estimation and Testing," The Economic Studies Quarterly, XXXII (1981), 12-28.

(med SM Goldfeld) "Econometric Modeling with Nonnormal Disturbances," Journal of Econometrics, 17 (1981), 141-156.

"Autokorrelerede fejl i simple uligevægtsmodeller," Economics Letters, (1981), 1, nr. 1,55.

"Econometric Disequilibrium Models," Econometric Reviews, 1 (1982), 1-63.

(med M. Nishimizu og H. S. Rosen) "The Demand and Supply for Investment Goods: Does the Market Clear? Journal of Macroeconomics, 4 (1982), 1-21.

(med W. Charemza) "Modeller og estimering af uligevægt i centralt planlagte økonomier," Review of Economic Studies, LXIV (1982), 109-116.

(med P. Asch og BG Malkiel) "Racetrack Betting and Informed Behavior," Journal of Financial Economics, 10 (1982), 187-194.

(med P. Asch og BG Malkiel) "Marked Efficiency in Racetrack Betting," Journal of Business, 57 (1984), 165-175

"Computational Methods and Problems," i Handbook of Econometrics, Vol. I, Nord-Holland, (1983), 699-759.

(med J. Eaton) "A Model of Rationing and Labor Supply: Theory and Estimation," Economica, 50 (1983), 221-234.

"Switching Between Equilibrium and Disequilibrium," Review of Economics and Statistics, LXV (1983), 684-687.

"The Welfare Effects of Complexity and Variability in Regulations," Economics Letters, 13 (1983), 259-262.

"Complexity in Regulation," Journal of Public Economics, 22 (1983), 199-214.

(med R. Portes, D. Winter og S. Yeo) "Planning the Consumption Goods Market: Preliminary Disequilibrium Estimates for Poland 1955-1980," i Contemporary Disequilibrium Modeling, P. Lagrange og PA Muet (red.), Oxford: Blackwell , (1984).

(med R. Portes, D. Winter og S. Yeo) "Estimation de la taille des erreurs de planification," Annales De L'INSEE, No. 55/56, (1984), 245-255.

(med H.S. Rosen) "Er der kronisk overskud af arbejdskraft? Designing A Statistical Test," Economics Letters, 19 (1985), 193-197.

(med SM Goldfeld) "Effects of Multiple Uncertainty on rationing," Economics Letters, 22, Nos. 2-3 (1986), 127-132.

(med P. Asch og BG Malkiel) "Marked Efficiency in Racetrack Betting: Further Evidence and A Correction," Journal of Business, nr. 1, 59 (1986), 157-161.

(med H.S. Rosen) "Some Further Results on Rosen and Quandt's Labour Market Model: Queries and Disagreements," European Economic Review, 30 (1986), 457-459.

"Betting and Equilibrium," The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 101, (1986), 201-207.

"A Note on Estimating Disequilibrium Models With Aggregation," Empirical Economics, 11 (1986), 223-242.

"Enterprise Purchases and the Expectation of rationing," Economics Letters, 21 (1986), 13-15.

(med H.S. Rosen), "Unemployment, Disequilibrium and the Short Run Phillips Curve: An Econometric Approach," Journal of Applied Econometrics, 1 (1986), 235-253.

(med R. Portes, D. Winter og S. Yeo) "Macroeconomic Planning and Disequilibrium: Estimates for Poland, 1955-1980," Econometrica, No. 1, 55 (1987), 19-41.

(med H.S. Rosen), "Unemployment, Disequilibrium and the Short-Run Phillips Curve: Correction and Extension," Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2 (1987), 247-250.

(med P. Asch), "Efficiency and Profitability in Exotic Bets," Economica, 54 (1987), 289-298.

(med SM Goldfeld), "Budget Constraints, Bailouts and the Firm Under Central Planning," Journal of Comparative Economics, 12 (1988), 502-520.

(med R. Portes og S. Yeo), "Tests of the Chronic Shortage Hypothesis: The Case of Poland," Review of Economics and Statistics, LXX, nr. 2, (1988), 288-295.

(med SM Goldfeld), "Outputmål, The Soft Budget Constraint & the Firm Under Central Planning," Journal of Economic Behavior and Optimization.

(med H.S. Rosen), "Endogenous Output In An Aggregate Model of the Labor Market," Review of Economics and Statistics, 71 (1989) 394-400.

(med M. Plant), "The Accuracy and Cost of Numerical Integration in Several Dimensions," Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 32 (1989) 229-248

(med W. Charemza, M. Gronicki), "Modellering af parallelle markeder i centralt planlagte økonomier: Tilfældet med bilmarkedet i Polen," European Economic Review, 32 (1988), 861-883.

(med S. M. Goldfeld), "Input Rationing and Bailouts Under Central Planning," Jahrbuch der Wirthschaft Osteuropas, 14 (1990) 17-37.

(med SM Goldfeld), "Outputmål, den bløde budgetbegrænsning og virksomheden under central planlægning," Journal of Economic Behavior and Optimization, 14, (1990), 205-222.

(med W. Charemza), "Dual Housing Markets in a Centrally Planned Economy," Kyklos, 43 (1990) 4ll-436.

(med SM Goldfeld), "Rationering, defekte input og Bayesianske opdateringer under central planlægning," Economics of Planning, 23, nr. 3, (1990), 161-174.

(med SM Goldfeld), "Effects of Bailouts, Taxes, and Risk-aversion on the Enterprise," Journal of Comparative Economics, 16, (1992), 150-167.

(med SM Goldfeld), "Uncertainty, Bailouts, and the Kornai Effect," Economics Letters, 41 (1993), 113-119.

(med Karen L. Magee), "The Kornai Effect with Partial Bailouts and Taxes," Economics of Planning, 27, 1994, 27-38.

(med Zsuzsanna Fluck og Burton G. Malkiel), "The Predictability of Stock Market Returns and the Efficient Market Hypothesis," Review of Economics and Statistics

med SM Goldfeld) "The Competition for Rated Resources," Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 25, 1994, 53-71.

(med R. Ekman) "Scholarly Communication, Academic Libraries, and Technology," Change, januar/februar 1995, 34-44.

(med S. Chadha) "Betting Bias and Market Equilibrium in Racetrack Betting, Applied Financial Economics 6 (1996), 287-92.

"Simulation Model for Journal Subscription by Libraries," Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 47, nr. 8, august 1996, 610-7.

"Electronic Publishing and Virtual Libraries: Issues and an Agenda for the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation," Serials Review, Summer 1996, 9-24.

"On the Optimum Number of Library Software Licenses," Journal of Economic Behavior and Optimization, 38(3), 1999, 349-356.

"Measurement and Inference in Wine Tasting," http://www.liquidasset.com/corsica.htm Arkiveret 3. oktober 2016 på Wayback Machine , 2000.

"Testing for Significant Ability in Identification Wines," http://www.liquidasset.com/abilitytest.htm Arkiveret 23. juli 2011 på Wayback Machine , 2001.

"Videnskabeligt materiale: papir eller digitalt?" Library Trends, 51/3(2003), 349-75.

"Measurement and Inference in Wine Tasting," Journal of Wine Economics, 1/1(2006), 7-30.

"En note om en test for summen af ​​rangsummer," Journal of Wine Economics, 2/1 (2007), 98-102.

"On Wine Bullshit: Some New Software?", Journal of Wine Economics, 2/2 (2007), 129-135.

"Kutatási csalások," Liget, 2008/7, 87-90.


  1. Richard E. Quandt // SNAC  (engelsk) - 2010.
  2. Bibliothèque nationale de France Record #121797334 // BnF catalog général  (fr.) - Paris : BnF .
  3. 12 APS medlemshistorie . Hentet 21. april 2022. Arkiveret fra originalen 21. april 2022.
  4. ↑ 1 2 3 4 5 Curriculum Vitae Richard E. Quandt . — Hjemmeside for Richard E. Quandt. Arkiveret fra originalen den 13. juni 2017.