Mason, Patrick
Patrick Q. Mason ( eng. Patrick Q. Mason ; f. 1976 [1] , Sandy , Utah , USA ) er en amerikansk historiker - amerikaner , specialist i historien om Latter Day Saint Movement ( mormoner ), mormonstudierog historie Syd for USA .
I 1999 modtog han en Bachelor of Arts-grad i historie fra Brigham Young University [2] .
I 2003 en M.A. i historie og i 2005 en Ph.D. i historie fra University of Notre Dame [2] .
I 2005-2007 var han gæsteassistent ved University of Notre Dame [2] .
Fra 2007-2009 var han assisterende professor i historie ved American University i Cairo [2] .
2011-2019 - Howard Hunter , formand for mormonstudier Claremont Graduate University; i 2012-2014 og i 2016-2018 - Institutleder for Religionsvidenskab; i 2016-2019 - Dekan for Kunst- og Humanioraskolen [2] .
2013-2019 Medlem af redaktionen for Mormon Studies Review[2] .
Lektor i religionsvidenskab og historie og formand for Leonard Arlington Department of Mormon History and Culture siden 2019 University of Utah [2] [3] [4] [5] .
Videnskabelige artikler
- Mormontruslen: Vold og antimormonisme i postbellum syd. — Oxford University Press , 2011. ISBN 978-0199740024
- Planted: Belief and Belonging in an Age of Doubt Deseret-bog. - Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship, 2015. ISBN 978-1-62972-181-1
- Hvad er mormonisme? En studerendes introduktion. — New York: Routledge , 2017.
- Mormonisme og vold: Slaget om Zion, elementer i religion i vold. — ( Cambridge University Press , 2019.
- "Shrine of the Black Madonna," i The Encyclopedia of African American History, red. Leslie Alexander og Walter Rucker. - Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO , 2010: 257-258.
- "Lynching," i The Encyclopedia of African American History, red. Leslie Alexander og Walter Rucker. - Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO , 2010: 871-874.
- "Henry McNeal Turner," i The Encyclopedia of African American History, red. Leslie Alexander og Walter Rucker. - Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO , 2010: 1060-1062.
- "Mormon Reformation," med Alan Clark, i World Book Student (World Book, 2015).
- "Mountain Meadows Massacre" med Alan Clark, i World Book Student (World Book, 2015).
- "Utah War" med Alan Clark, i World Book Student (World Book, 2015).
- "Jesu Kristi Kirke af Sidste Dages Hellige (mormonisme)," skrevet sammen med Armand L. Mauss, World Religions and Spirituality Project.
- "Mormonism," i Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Religion doi : 10.1093/acrefore/9780199340378.013.75 .
- "Mormons and Politics," med Michael Haycock, i American Political Culture: An Encyclopedia, red. Michael Shally-Jensen. — Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO , 2015. 2:710-717.
- "Violent and Nonviolent Religious Militancy," i The Oxford Handbook on Religion, Conflict, and Peacebuilding, red. Atalia Omer, R. Scott Appleby, og David Little. — New York: Oxford University Press , 2015, 212-235.
- "Mormonism and Race," i The Oxford Handbook on Race and Religion in America, red. Paul Harvey og Kathryn Gin Lum. — New York: Oxford University Press , 2018, 156-171.
- "The Possibilities of Mormon Peacebuilding," Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought37:1 (Forår 2004): 12-45
- "Voldens traditioner: Tidlig mormon- og antimormonkonflikt i dens amerikanske omgivelser," i Richard L. Bushman, red., Archive of Restoration Culture Summer Fellows' Papers, 2000-2002 (Provo, UT: Joseph Fielding Smith Institute for Latter-day Saint History, 2005), 163-185.
- "Anti-jødisk vold i det nye syd," Southern Jewish History8 (2005): 77-119.
- "'In Our Image, After Our Likeness': The Meaning of a Black Deity in the African American Protest Tradition, 1880-1970," i "We Will Independent Be": African-American Place Making and the Struggle to Claim Space in the USA, red. Angel David Nieves og Leslie M. Alexander (Boulder: University of Colorado Press ), 2008), 463-487.
- "The Prohibition of Interracial Marriage in Utah, 1888-1963," Utah Historical Quarterly76:2 (forår 2008): 108-131.
- "Kristen zionisme og dens religiøse indflydelse i amerikansk politik," med Khadiga Omar, amerikansk-arabiske numre nr. 1 (forår 2009), Prins Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Alsaud Center for amerikanske studier og forskning, American University i Cairo .
- "Opposition mod Polygamy in the Postbellum South," Journal of Southern History76:3 (august 2010): 541-578.
- "Hvad er så slemt ved polygami? Teaching American Religious History in the Muslim Middle East," Journal of American History 96:4 (marts 2010): 1112-1118.
- "Ære, den unwritten lov og ekstralegal vold: Contextualizing Parley Pratt's Murder," i Parley P. Pratt and the Making of Mormonism, red. Gregory Armstrong, Matthew J. Grow, og Dennis Siler (Norman, OK: Arthur H. Clark, 2011), 245-273.
- "God and the People: Theodemocracy in Nineteenth-Century Mormonism," Journal of Church and State53:3 (sommeren 2011): 349-375.
- "'The Wars and the Perplexities of the Nations': Reflections on Early Mormonism, Violence and the State," Journal of Mormon History38:3 (sommeren 2012): 72-89.
- "Mormonblogs, mormonstudier og mormonsindet," Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought45:3 (Efterår 2012): 12-25.
- "Introduktion," i War and Peace in Our Time: Mormon Perspectives, red. Patrick Q. Mason, J. David Pulsipher og Richard L. Bushman(Salt Lake City: Greg Kofford Books, 2012), ix-xx.
- "Mormonism and Politics," Forum om moderne mormonisme, religion og amerikansk kultur 23:1 (Vinter 2013): 22-29.
- "The Graduate Mormon Studies Classroom," Mormon Studies Review 2 (2015): 11-18.
- "Skolars, Saints, and Stakeholders: A Forgotten Alternatives Approach to Mormon History," Journal of Mormon History41:1 (januar 2015): 217-228.
- "Introduktion - Mormonstudier: Markens fremkomst og tilstand," i Instruktioner til Mormonstudier i det 21. århundrede, red. Patrick Q. Mason (Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 2016), 1-12.
- "Introduktion" og "Ezra Taft Benson and Modern (Book of) Mormon Conservatism," i Out of Obscurity: Mormonism since 1945, red. Patrick Q. Mason og John G. Turner (New York: Oxford University Press , 2016), 3-13, 63-80.
- "God and the People Reconsidered: Further Reflections on Theodemocracy in Early Mormonism," i The Council of Fifty: What the Records Reveal about Mormon History, red. Matthew J. Growog R. Eric Smith (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Centerog Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2017), 31-42.
- Hvorfor korset? De ikkevoldelige etiske implikationer af Kristi korsfæstelse," i A Time of War, a Time of Peace: Latter-day Saint Ethics of War and Diplomacy, red. Valerie M Hudson, Eric Talbot Jensen og Kerry M. Kartchner (Provo, UT: David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies, Brigham Young University , 2017), 103-112.
- "A Modern Religion," i To Be Learned Is Good: Essays on Faith and Scholarship til ære for Richard Lyman Bushman, red. J. Spencer FluhmanKathleen Flake, og Jed Woodworth (Provo, UT: Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship, 2017), 223-238.
- "'When I Think of War I Am Sick at Heart': Latter Day Saint Non-deltagelse i Første Verdenskrig," Journal of Mormon History45:2 (april 2019): 1-21.
- "Disciplinary Democracy: Mormon Violence and the Construction of the Modern American State," i Reconstruction and Mormon America, red. Clyde A. Milner II og Brian Q. Cannon (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2019), 88-108.
- Origins of the New South Fifty Years Later: The Continuing Influence of a Historical Classic, red. af John B. Boles og Bethany L. Johnson, i Tennessee Historical Quarterly63 (efterår 2004): 222-223.
- American Jesus: How the Son of God Became a National Icon, af Stephen Prothero, i BYU Studies Quarterly44:3 (2005): 184-187.
- God on the Quad: How Religious Colleges and the Missionary Generation Are Changing America, af Naomi Schaefer Riley, i BYU Studies Quarterly44:3 (2005): 180-183.
- Prayer: A History, af Philip Zaleski og Carol Zaleski, i BYU Studies Quarterly46:3 (2007): 181-183.
- Black and Mormon, red. af Newell G. Bringhurst og Darron T. Smith, i John Whitmer Historical Association Journal27 (2007): 242-243.
- Hvad med Hitler? Wrestling with Jesu Call to Nonviolence in an Evil World, af Robert W. Brimlow, i Peace & Change: A Journal of Peace Research33:4 (oktober 2008): 609-611.
- Jewish Roots in Southern Soil: A New History, red. af Marcie Ferris og Mark I. Greenberg, i Journal of American Ethnic History27:2 (Vinter 2008): 108-109.
- Massacre at Mountain Meadows: An American Tragedy, af Ronald W. Walker, Richard E. Turley Jr. og Glen M. Leonard, i Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture78:4 (december 2009): 915-916.
- On Zions Mount: Mormons, Indians, and the American Landscape, af Jared Farmer, i Journal of Religion89:3 (juli 2009): 423-425.
- Homeland Mythology: Biblical Narratives in American Culture, af Christopher Collins, i Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture79:1 (marts 2010): 236-238.
- Mason P. Anmeldelse af Newton, Michael, The Ku Klux Klan i Mississippi: A History // H-CivWar, H-Net Anmeldelser. november, 2010.
- Fromhed og dissens: Race, køn og bibelsk retorik i tidlig amerikansk selvbiografi, af Eileen Razzari Elrod, i Journal of American Ethnic History30:4 (sommeren 2011): 85-86.
- Hell on the Range: A Story of Honor, Conscience, and the American West, af Daniel Justin Herman, i Western Historical Quarterly42:4 (Vinter 2011): 511.
- Days Never To Be Forgotten: Oliver Cowdery, redigeret af Alexander L. Baugh, i John Whitmer Historical Association Journal32:1 (Forår/Sommer 2012): 164-165.
- Exhibiting Mormonism: The Latter-day Saints and the 1893 Chicago World Fair, af Reid L. Neilson, i American Historical Review (december 2012): 1601-1602.
- "Onward Christian Soldiers: Capturing the Nation and the World for Christ," anmeldelsesessay af Ian Tyrrell, Reforming the World: The Creation of America's Moral Empire, og Daniel K. Williams, God's Own Party: The Making of the Christian Right, i Anmeldelser i amerikansk historie40:3 (september 2012): 438-443.
- A Foreign Kingdom: Mormons and Polygamy in American Political Culture, af Christine Talbot, i Journal of American History 101:3 (december 2014): 886-887.
- Lynching Beyond Dixie: American Mob Violence Outside the South, red. Michael J. Pfeifer, i Utah Historical Quarterly82:2 (forår 2014): 167.
- "A Peculiar People": Anti-Mormonism and the Making of Religion in Nineteenth-Century America, af J. Spencer Fluhman, i Journal of Church and State(marts 2014).
- Religion of a Different Color: Race and the Mormon Struggle for Whiteness, af W. Paul Reeve, og For the Cause of Righteousness: A Global History of Blacks and Mormonism, 1830-2013, af Russell W. Stevenson, i BYU Studies Quarterly55:1 (2016): 178-184.
- Hellige: Historien om Jesu Kristi kirke i de sidste dage, bind 1: Sandhedens standard, 1815-1846, red. Matthew J. Grow, Richard E. Turley Jr., Steven C. Harper og Scott A. Hales, i Journal of Mormon History45:2 (april 2019): 60-67.
Videnskabelig redaktion
- War and Peace in Our Time: Mormon Perspectives, co-redigeret med J. David Pulsipher og Richard L. Bushman (Salt Lake City: Greg Kofford Books, 2012).
- Vejledning til mormonstudier i det 21. århundrede (Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press ), 2016).
- Out of Obscurity: Mormonism since 1945, co-edited with John G. Turner (New York: Oxford University Press , 2016).
- ↑ 1 2 Patrick Q. Mason // NUKAT - 2002.
- ↑ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "Curriculum Vitae" Arkiveret 9. september 2021 på Wayback Machine . Patrick Q Mason. Utah State University.
- ↑ "Patrick Q. Mason" Arkiveret 26. oktober 2021 på Wayback Machine . Institut for historie. Utah State University.
- ↑ Janelle Hyatt. Den førende Mormon Studies-forsker Patrick Mason udnævnt til USU's Arrington Chair . Utah State University (7. december 2018). (ubestemt)
- ↑ På Arringtons skuldre: Ny USU mormonhistorie prof. Anerkender afdøde forskeres arv, mens de udstikker egen kurs . Hentet 14. oktober 2021. Arkiveret fra originalen 28. oktober 2021. (ubestemt)
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