Berry, Stephen Titus
Steven Titus Berry ( eng. Steven Titus Berry ; f. 1959 ) er en amerikansk økonom , medforfatter af Berry-Levinson-Pakes-modellen.
Stephen blev født i 1959.
Modtog en Bachelor of Science (B.A. ) i økonomi fra Northwestern University i 1980 og en Master of Science ( MS ) i økonomi fra University of Wisconsin-Madison i 1985. I 1989, efter at have forsvaret sin doktorafhandling, blev han tildelt en doktorgrad i økonomi ( Ph.D. ) fra University of Wisconsin-Madison [2] .
Han begyndte sin lærerkarriere som forskningsassistent og underviste ved University of Wisconsin-Madison fra 1982-1988. Derefter arbejdede han som adjunkt i 1988-1993, lektor i 1993-1997, professor siden 1997, James Burroughs Moffatt professor i økonomi i 1999-2014, institutleder i 2004-2006 ved Yale School of Economics university [ 2] .
David Swensen er i øjeblikket professor i økonomi ved Yale University siden 2014 [2] .
Derudover arbejdede han som ansat i 1989-1997, videnskabelig assistent siden 1997 ved National Bureau of Economic Research [2] .
For sine præstationer blev han gentagne gange tildelt [2] :
- 1991-1992 - Olin Fellowship fra National Bureau of Economic Research;
- 1992-1994 - bevilling fra National Science Foundation (sammen med James Levinson og Ariel Pakes) "til forskning inden for bilindustrien";
- 1992-1994 - EPA-bevilling (sammen med Ariel Peiks og Samuil Kortumov) "til at studere miljøpolitikkens indvirkning på bilindustrien";
- 1993-1995 Fellow, Alfred Sloan Foundation ;
- 1996 - Frisch Medal fra Econometric Society (tildelt hvert andet år af Econometric Society for det bedste anvendte papir, empirisk eller teoretisk, offentliggjort i tidsskriftet Econometrica i de sidste fem år) for artiklen "Assessing the Aviation Entry Model" ;
- 1997 - Bedste rådgiverpris fra Yale Alumni Economics Club;
- 1997-2001 - National Science Foundation-bevilling til projektet "Evaluering af modeller med produktdifferentiering og endogene produktkarakteristika";
- 1999 Fellow of the Econometric Society ;
- 2004 - kom ind på listen Who's Who i økonomi ;
- 2006 - var medlem, og i 2020 formand for udvalget for tildeling af Frisch-medaljen;
- 2014 Fellow ved American Academy of Arts and Sciences ;
- 2015 - Lex Hickson'63 Award fra Yale College "for fremragende undervisning i samfundsvidenskab";
- 2017 - Æresstipendiat i Selskabets Industriorganisation;
- 2018 — stiftende medlem af International Association of Applied Econometrics;
- 2018 - Merton J. Peck Award "for fremragende præstationer i undervisning af bachelorstudier på Det Økonomiske Fakultet";
- 2020 - Clarivate Citation Laureates .
Værker af Stephen Berry:
- James Levinsohn, Steven Berry og Jed Friedman (2003), "Impacts of the Indonesian Economic Crisis: Price Changes and the Poor," Kapitel 12 //Managing Currency Crises in Emerging Markets, Michael Dooley og Jeffrey Frankel, red., University of Chicago Press/NBER.
- Steven Berry og Ariel Pakes (2001), "Comments on 'Alternative models of demand for automobiles' af Charlotte Wojcik", Economics Letters, 74(1), 43-51.
- Steven Berry og Joel Waldfogel (2001) "Do Mergers Increase Product Variety: Evidence from Radio Broadcasting//Quarterly Journal of Economics, 116(3), 969-1007 (en tidligere version er NBER working paper 7080.)
- Steven Berry og Joel Waldfogel (1999) "Free Entry and Social Inefficiency in Radio Broadcasting//RAND Journal of Economics, 30(3), 397-420. Genoptrykt i Empirical Industrial Organization, bind II, P. Joskow og M. Waterson , red., Edward Elgar Press.
- Steven Berry, James Levinsohn og Ariel Pakes (1999) "Voluntary Export Restraints on Automobiles: Evaluating a Strategic Trade Policy//American Economic Review, 89(3), 400-430.
- Steven Berry og Joel Waldfogel (1999) "Public Radio in the United States: Does it Correct Market Failure or Cannibalize Commercial Stations?//Journal of Public Economics 71(2), 189-211.
- Steven Berry, Samuel Kortum og Ariel Pakes (1996), "Environmental Change and Hedonal Cost Functions for Automobiles//Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 93(23), 12731-12738.
- Steven Berry, James Levinsohn og Ariel Pakes (1995), "Automobile Prices in Market Equilibrium," Econometrica, 60(4), 889-917. Genoptrykt i Empirical Industrial Organization, vol. I (2004), P. Joskow og M. Waterson, Edward Elgar Press.
- Steven Berry (1994), "Estimating Discrete Choice Models of Product Differentiation," RAND Journal of Economics, 25, 242-262.
- Steven Berry (1993), "Review of The Economic Theory of Product Differentiation af John Beath og Yannis Katsoulacos"//Journal of Economic Literature, 31, 1478-1479.
- Steven Berry, Vittorio Grilli og Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes (1993), "The Automobile Industry and The Mexico-US Free Trade Agreement//The Mexico-US Free Trade Agreement, MIT Press.
- Steven Berry og Ariel Pakes (1993), "Nogle anvendelser og begrænsninger af de seneste fremskridt i empirisk industriel organisation: Fusionsanalyse//American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 83, 247-252
- Ariel Pakes, Steven Berry og James Levinsohn (1993), "Applications and Limitations of Some Recent Advances in Empirical Industrial Organization: Price Indexes and the Analysis of Environmental Change//American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 83, 240-246.
- Steven Berry (1992), "Estimation of a Model of Entry in the Airline Industry," Econometrica, 60, 889-917. Genoptrykt i Empirical Industrial Organization, vol. I (2004), P. Joskow og M. Waterson, red., Edward Elgar Press.
- Steven Berry (1990), "Airport Presence as Product Differentiation//American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 80, 394-399.
- Steven Berry (1989) "Entry into Deregulated Airline Markets//Concentration and Price, Leonard Weiss, red., MIT Press.
- Steven Berry og Hugh Briggs (1988), "A Non-parametric Test of a First-Order Markov//Process for Regimes in a Non-cooperatively Colllusive Industry," Economics Letters, 27, 73-77.
- Steven Berry, Peter Gottschalk og Douglas Wissoker (1988) "An Error Components Model of the Impact of Plant Closings on Earnings//The Review of Economics and Statistics 53, 701-707
- ↑ German National Library , Berlin Statsbibliotek , Bayerske Statsbibliotek , Austrian National Library Record #124748066 // General Regulatory Control (GND) - 2012-2016.
- ↑ 1 2 3 4 5 CV Steven Titus Berry // Yale University
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