Jagt, Stephen John
Stephen John Hunt ( eng. Stephen John Hunt ; f. 1954 ) er en britisk sociolog og religionsforsker , professor i sociologi ved University of the West of England . [3] Hunts vigtigste forskningsinteresser er det sociologiske studie af nye religiøse bevægelser , især den karismatiske bevægelse og neo-pinsekirker. [fire]
I 1995 forsvarede han sin doktorafhandling ved University of Reading om emnet Pinsebevægelsen i USA . [3] Mellem 1988 og 2001 underviste han ved Institut for Sociologi ved University of Reading og sideløbende ved Institut for Religiøse Studier ved University of Surrey . [3]
Stephen Hunt er forfatter til flere monografier : Alternative Religions: A Sociological Introduction, [5] The Life Course: A Sociological Introduction ( 2005 ), [6] Religion in Western Society ( 2002 ) [7] og "The Alpha Enterprise" ( 2004 ). [8] Han redigerede også bogen Christian Millenarianism: From the Early Church to Waco. [9]
Siden 2006 har Stephen Hunt været redaktør af Pentecostudies, et videnskabeligt tidsskrift for Pinsestudier . [ti]
Videnskabelige artikler
- Alternative Religions: A Sociological Introduction , Farnham: Ashgate Publishing, oktober 2003 , 268 s , ISBN 978-0-7546-3410-2
- The Life Course: A Sociological Introduction , 10. februar 2005, Palgrave Macmillan , ISBN 1-4039-1470-2 , ISBN 978-1-4039-1470-5
- Religion in Western Society: Sociology for a Changing World , Palgrave Macmillan , 20. marts 2002, ISBN 0-333-94592-1 , ISBN 978-0-333-94592-6
- The Alpha Enterprise: Evangelism in a Post-Christian Era , Ashgate Publishingoktober 2004 , ISBN 0-7546-5036-7
- Christian Millenarianism: From the Early Church to Waco , Indiana University Press , 1. juli 2001 , ISBN 0-253-21491-2 , ISBN 978-0-253-21491-1
- 'Acting the Part: Living History - Who Joins and Why?', Leisure Studies , 23: s. 387–403, 2004.
- 'Sints and Sinners: The Role of Conservative Christian Pressure Groups in the Christian Gay Debate in UK', Religion-on-Line , november 2003.
- 'The Alpha Program: Some Tentative Observations', Journal of Contemporary Religion , 2003, 18(1): 77-93.
- 'The Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement in Britain: Mobilization and Opposition', Journal of Religion and Society , 4, 2002: 1-18.
- 'Deprivation and Western Pentecostalism Revisited: The Case of "Classical" Pentecostalism', Pentecostudies , juli, 2002.
- 'Deprivation and Western Pentecostalism Revisited: The Case of Neo-Pentecostalism', Pentecostudies , juli, 2002.
- 'De "nye" sorte pinsekirker: Guds forløste kristne kirkes vækst og teologi', Journal of the European Pentecostal Association , 2002.
- Guds forløste kristne kirke. Black Church Revival i Storbritannien, Pneuma, Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies , 2002.
- 'The Jesus Fellowship as a Total Institution', Communal Studies , 2002, (14) (4): 94-107
- ''Hverken her eller der': The Construction of Identities and Boundary Maintenance of West African Pentecostals', Sociology , 2002, 36(1): 147-69.
- 'The "Health and Wealth"-evangeliet i Storbritannien: Variations on a Theme', Culture and Religion , 3 (1), 2001: 89-104.
- 'The British Black Pentecostal "Revival": Identity and Belief in the "New" Nigerian Churches', Ethnic and Racial Studies , 24(1) 2001: 104-24.
- 'Dramatisering af "Health and Wealth Gospel": Belief and Practice of a Neo-Pinecostal "Faith" Ministry, The Journal of Beliefs and Values , 2000: .
- 'All Things Bright and Beautiful: The Rise of the Anglican Charismatic Church', Journal of Evangelical Theology , 13(1) 2000: 16-34.
- 'The Neill Commission on Party Funding in Britain: Recommendations and Implications', Talking Politics, The Journal of the Politics Association 14(2), januar 2000.
- 'Winning Ways': Globalization and the Impact of the Health and Wealth Ministries', Journal of Contemporary Religion , 2000.
- ↑ Stephen Hunt // NUKAT - 2002.
- ↑ Stephen Hunt // MAK (polsk)
- ↑ 1 2 3 Profil (utilgængeligt link) , University of the West of England, School of Humanities, Languages and Social Sciences.
- ↑ Strangers in a Strange Land Arkiveret 8. juli 2011 ved Wayback Machine , organisation, grænsevedligeholdelse og ideologiske konstruktioner af den nigerianske kirke i Storbritannien, Granada Universitet, Granada, Spanien, resumé af præsentationen gives juli 2007, forfatterens profil .
- ↑ Alternative Religions: A Sociological Introduction , Ashgate Publishing, oktober 2003 , ISBN 978-0-7546-3410-2 , ISBN 0-7546-3410-8
- ↑ The Life Course: A Sociological Introduction , 10. februar 2005, Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN 1-4039-1470-2 , ISBN 978-1-4039-1470-5
- ↑ Religion in Western Society: Sociology for a Changing World , Palgrave Macmillan, 20. marts 2002, ISBN 0-333-94592-1 , ISBN 978-0-333-94592-6
- ↑ The Alpha Enterprise: Evangelism in a Post-Christian Era , Ashgate Publishing, oktober 2004, ISBN 0-7546-5036-7 , ISBN 978-0-7546-5036-2
- ↑ Christian Millenarianism: From the Early Church to Waco , Indiana University Press, 1. juli 2001, ISBN 0-253-21491-2 , ISBN 978-0-253-21491-1
- ↑ Pentecostostudies , Editorial Board, hentet 16.1.06
- Van Eck Duymaer van Twist A. Anmeldelse: Stephen J. Hunt Alternative Religions: A Sociological Introduction, Ashgate Publishing, 2003. 268 s. // British Journal of Sociology. - 2004. - Bd. 55, nr. 3 .
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