Gilboa, Itzhak
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Yitzhak Gilboa ( eng. Itzhak Gilboa ; Hebr. יצחק גלבוע ; født 13. februar 1963 , Tel Aviv , Israel ) er en israelsk økonom , professor i økonomi ved Tel Aviv Universitet , medforfatter af den forventede brugsmaksimummodel .
Yitzhak blev født den 13. februar 1963 i Tel Aviv [1] .
I. Gilboa modtog i 1982 en Bachelor of Science in Mathematics med udmærkelse og en Bachelor of Arts in Economics med udmærkelse fra Tel Aviv University . Han modtog også en kandidatgrad i økonomi med udmærkelse i 1984 fra Tel Aviv University. Kandidatafhandlingen om "Total Preferences" blev skrevet under vejledning af David Schmeidler . I 1987 blev han tildelt en doktorgrad i økonomi fra Tel Aviv Universitet. Ph.d.-afhandlingen om "Non-additive Probability Measurements and Their Applications in Utility Theory" blev skrevet under vejledning af David Schmeidler [2] .
Han begyndte sin lærerkarriere som adjunkt i 1987-1990, derefter var han lektor i 1990-1992, Frederick Nemmers Chair i 1992-1997, Department of Decision Theory ved Kellogg School of Management ved UniversityNorthwestern .
I. Gilboa har været professor siden 1997 og institutleder siden 2008 ved Eitan Beglas School of Economics ved Tel Aviv University , professor i økonomi siden 2008 og institutleder siden 2010 ved HEC Paris , medredaktør af tidsskriftet Econometrica siden 2014 , medlem af Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory siden 2013 [2] .
I. Gilboa var gæsteprofessor i økonomi ved University of Pennsylvania i 1995-1997, professor i økonomi ved Boston University i 1997-1999, redaktør af tidsskrifterne " Econometrica " i 2001-2007, " Games and Economic Behavior " i 1991-2008 , "International Journal of Game Theory" i 1996-2002, " Journal of Economic Theory " i 1994-2008 [2] .
En familie
Yitzhak Gilboa giftede sig med Eva Gilboa-Shechtman og de fik døtrene Alma [3] og Erga.
Bidrag til videnskaben
I. Gilboa foreslog sammen med D. Schmeidler i deres artikel fra 1989 "Expected utility maximin with a non-unique prior" [4] en maximin forventet brugsmodel med flere a priori-antagelser, som er et beslutningskriterium til at forklare Ellsbergs paradoks [ 5] . Under forhold med usikkerhed har agenten et komplet sæt af sandsynlige hændelser , som agenten vurderer for at maksimere nytten [6] . Modellen er baseret på en nyttefunktion og et sæt subjektive sandsynlighedsfordelinger af hændelser, idet det antages, at folk vurderer beslutninger baseret på den forventede minimumsnytte over denne klasse af distributioner.
I. Gilboa og D. Schmeidler foreslog i deres 1994-artikel "Additive repræsentationer af ikke-additive foranstaltninger og Choquet-integralet" at "den forventede nytte af Choquet " er baseret på en nyttefunktion, der erstatter det additive sandsynlighedsmål for subjektiv forventet nytte med et ikke-additivt mål over hændelser, der erstatter standardforventet nytteformel med et alternativt begreb om forventning med hensyn til denne ikke-additive foranstaltning.
For sine præstationer inden for økonomi blev han tildelt en række priser [2] :
- 1984 - To-årigt Joseph Buchman-stipendium;
- 1992 - toårig Alfred Sloan Research Fellowship ;
- 1992 - Sidney Levy Award som den bedste lærer;
- 2000 - valgt til medlem af Econometric Society ;
- 2001 - valgt til Coles Foundation ved Yale University ;
- 2005-2011 - Medlem af bestyrelsen i Selskabet for Spilteori.
- 2014 - Forskningspris fra HEC Foundation [7] .
Værker af I. Gilboa [2] :
- Gilboa I., Postluate E., Schmeidler D. Probability and Uncertainty in Economic Modeling // Voprosy Ekonomiki, 10, 2009 — P.46-61 (eng. Probability and Uncertainty in Economic Modeling, 2008)
- Gilboa I., Postluate E., Samuelson L., Schmeidler D. Økonomiske modeller som analogier // Voprosy ekonomiki. 2015. nr. 2. - S. 106-130.
- Gilboa I. Expected Utility with Purely Subjective Non-Additive Probabilities//Journal of Mathematical Economics, 16, 1987 - pp. 65-88
- Gilboa I. The Complexity of Computing Best-Response Automata in Repeated Games// Journal of Economic Theory, 45, 1988 - pp. 342-352
- Gilboa I. A Combination of Expected Utility and Maxmin Decision Criteria//Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 32, 1988 - s.405-420
- Gilboa I., Schmeidler D. Informationsafhængige spil: Kan sund fornuft være almindelig viden? // Economics Letters, 27, 1988 -pp. 215-221
- Gilboa I. Additivizations of Non-Additive Measures//Mathematics of Operations Research, 14, 1989 -pp. 1-17
- Gilboa I. Duality in Non-Additive Expected Utility Theory//Annals of Operations Research, 19, 1989 -pp. 405-414
- Gilboa I., Schmeidler D. Maxmin Expected Utility with a Non-Unique Prior // Journal of Mathematical Economics, 18, 1989 - pp.141-153.
- Gilboa I., Zemel E. Nash and Correlated Equilibria: Some Complexity Considerations//Games and Economic Behavior, 1, 1989 -pp. 80-93.
- Gilboa I. Expectation and Variation in Multi-Period Decisions//Econometrica, 57, 1989 - pp.1153-1169
- Gilboa I., Samet D. Bounded Versus Unbounded Rationality: The Tyranny of the Weak//Games and Economic Behavior, 1, 1989 - s.213-221
- Beja A., Gilboa I. Values for Two-Stage Games: Another View of the Shapley Axioms//International Journal of Game Theory, 19, 1990 - s.17-31
- Gilboa I., Kalai E., Zemel E. On the Order of Eliminating Dominated Strategies//OR Letters, 9, 1990 - pp.85-89
- Gilboa I. A Necessary but Insufficient Condition for the Stokastical Binary Choice Problem//Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 34, 1990 - s.371-392
- Gilboa I., Matsui A. Social Stability and Equilibrium//Econometrica, 59, 1991 -pp. 859-867.
- Gilboa I., Lehrer E. The Value of Information--An Axiomatic Approach//Journal of Mathematical Economics, 20, 1991 - s.443-459
- Gilboa I., Monderer D. Quasi-values on Sub-spaces of Games//International Journal of Game Theory, 19, 1991 -pp. 353-363
- Gilboa I., Lehrer E. Global Games//International Journal of Game Theory, 20, 1991 -pp. 129-147
- Beja A., Gilboa I. Numeriske repræsentationer af uperfekt ordnede præferencer (A Unified Geometric Exposition) // Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 36, 1992 -s.426-449.
- Gilboa I., Monderer D. A Game Theoretic Approach to the Binary Stokastical Choice Problem//Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 36, 1992 - pp.555-572
- Fischer A., Gilboa I., Shpitalni M. A Polynomial Algorithm for Minimal Interval Representation//Journal of Algorithms, 13, 1992 - pp.546-563
- Gilboa I., Matsui A. A Model of Random Matching//Journal of Mathematical Economics, 21, 1992 - pp.185-197
- Gilboa I., Schmeidler D. Updating Ambiguous Beliefs//Journal of Economic Theory, 59, 1993 — s.33-49
- Gilboa I., Kalai E., Zemel E. The Complexity of Eliminating Dominated Strategies// Mathematics of Operations Research, 18, 1993 - pp.553-565
- Gilboa I., Schmeidler D. Infinite Histories and Steady Orbits in Repeated Games// Games and Economic Behavior, 6, 1994 - pp.370-399
- Ben-Porath E. , Gilboa I. Linear Measures, the Gini Index and the Income-Equality Tradeoff//Journal of Economic Theory, 64b 1994 -pp. 443-467
- Gilboa I., Schmeidler D. Additive repræsentationer af ikke-additive foranstaltninger og Choquet-integralet // Annals of Operations Research, 51, 1994 - s.43-65
- Gilboa I., Lapson R. Aggregation of Semi-Orders: Intransitive Indifference Makes a Difference//Economic Theory, 5, 1995 -pp. 109-126
- Gilboa I., Schmeidler D. Canonical Representation of Set Functions//Mathematics of Operations Research, 20, 1995 -pp. 197-212.
- Ferreira JL, Gilboa I., Maschler M. Credible Equilibria in Games with Changing Utility//Games and Economic Behavior, 10 (1995 -s. 284-317)
- Gilboa I., Schmeidler D. Case-Based Decision Theory//The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 110, 1995 -pp. 605-639
- Gilboa I., Schmeidler D. Case-Based Optimization//Games and Economic Behavior, 15, 1996 -pp. 1-26.
- Gilboa I., Schmeidler D. Act Similarity in Case-Based Decision Theory//Economic Theory, 9, 1997 -pp. 47-61
- Gilboa I. A Comment on the Absent-Minded Driver Paradox//Games and Economic Behavior, 20, 1997 -pp. 25-30
- Ben-Porath E. , Gilboa I., Schmeidler D. On the Measurement of Inequality Under Uncertainty// Journal of Economic Theory, 75, 1997 -pp. 194-204
- Gilboa I., Schmeidler D. Cumulative Utility Consumer Theory//International Economic Review, 38, 1997 - pp.737-761
- Chopra S., Gilboa I., Sastri S. Source Sink Flows with Capacity Installation in Batches//Discrete Applied Mathematics 85, 1998 -pp. 165-192.
- Gilboa I. Counter-Counterfactuals//Games and Economic Behavior, 24, 1998 -pp. 175-180
- Billot A., Chateauneuf A., Gilboa I., Tallon JM Sharing Beliefs: between Agreeing and Disagreeing//Econometrica, 68, 2000 -pp. 685-694.
- Gilboa I., Schmeidler D. Case-Based Knowledge and Induction//IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 30, 2000 -pp. 85-95
- Cohen, M., Gilboa I., Jaffray J.-Y., Schmeidler D. An Experimental Study of Updated Ambiguous Beliefs//Risk, Decision, and Policy, 5, 2000 -pp. 123-133
- Gilboa I., Schmeidler D. A Cognitive Model of Individual Well-Being//Social Choice and Welfare, 12, 2001 -pp. 269-288
- Gilboa I., Pazgal A. Cumulative Discrete Choice//Marketing Letters, 12, 2001 -s.119-130
- Gilboa I., Schmeidler D. Reaction to Price Changes and Aspiration Level Adjustments//Review of Economic Design, 6, 2001 -pp. 215-223.
- Billot A., Chateauneuf A., Gilboa I., Tallon JM Sharing Beliefs and the Absence of Betting in the Choquet Expected Utility Model// Statistical Papers, 43, 2002 - pp. 127-136
- Gilboa I., Schmeidler D. A Cognitive Foundation of Probability//Mathematics of Operations Research, 27, 2002 -pp. 68-81
- Billot A., Chateauneuf A., Gilboa I., Tallon JM Bargaining Over an Uncertain Outcome: The Role of Beliefs//Decisions in Economics and Finance, 25, 2002 -pp. 33-45.
- Gilboa I., Schmeidler D., Wakker P. Utility in Case-Based Decision Theory// Journal of Economic Theory, 105, 2002 - pp.483-502.
- Gilboa I., Schmeidler D. Inductive Inference: An Axiomatic Approach//Econometrica, 71, 2003-pp.1-26.
- Gilboa I., Schmeidler D. Expected Utility in the Context of a Game//Games and Economic Behavior, 44, 2003 -pp. 184-194
- Gilboa I., Vieille N. Flertalsafstemning efter en debat//Socialt valg og velfærd, 23, 2004 -s. 115-125.
- Gilboa I., Samet D., Schmeidler D. utilitaristisk sammenlægning af tro og smag//Journal of Political Economy, 112 (2004), 932-938.
- Gilboa I., Schmeidler D. Subjective Distributions//Theory and Decision, 56, 2004 - pp.345-357
- Billot A., Gilboa I., Samet D., Schmeidler D. Probabilities as Similarity-Weighted Frequency//Econometrica, 73, 2005 -pp. 1125-1136.
- Aragones E., Gilboa I., Postlewaite A., Schmeidler D. Fact-Free Learning//American Economic Review, 95, 2005 -pp. 1355-1368.
- Gilboa, I., Lieberman O., Schmeidler D. Empirical Similarity//Review of Economics and Statistics, 88, 2006 -pp. 433-444.
- Gayer G., Gilboa I., Lieberman O. Rule-Based and Case-Based Reasoning in Housing Prices//BE Journals in Theoretical Economics, 7, 2007
- Billot A., Gilboa I., Schmeidler D. Axiomatization of an Exponential Similarity Function//Mathematical Social Sciences, 55, 2008-pp.107-115.
- Gilboa I., Postlewaite A., Schmeidler D. Probabilities in Economic Modeling//Journal of Economic Perspectives, 22, 2008-pp.173-188.
- Gilboa I., Lieberman O., Schmeidler D. On the Definition of Objective Probabilities by Empirical Similarity//Synthese, 172, 2009 -pp.79-95.
- Gilboa I., Postlewaite A., Schmeidler D. Er det altid rationelt at tilfredsstille Savages aksiomer? // Economics and Philosophy, 25, 2009 - s.285-296
- Gilboa I., Maccheroni F., Marinacci M., Schmeidler D. Objektiv og subjektiv rationalitet i en multipel forudgående model// Econometrica, 78, 2010-pp.755-770
- Gilboa I. Questions in Decision Theory//Annual Reviews in Economics, 2, 2010 -pp.1-19.
- Gilboa I., Schmeidler D. Likelihood and Simplicity: An Axiomatic Approach// Journal of Economic Theory, 145, 2010 -pp.1757-1775.
- Gilboa I., Lieberman O., Schmeidler D. A Similarity-Based Approach to Prediction//The Journal of Econometrics, 162, 2011 — pp.124-131.
- Aragones E., Gilboa I., Weiss A. Afgivelse af udtalelser og godkendelse afstemning//Teori og beslutning, 71, 2011-s.461-472
- Cres H., Gilboa I., Vieille N. Aggregation of Multiple Prior Opinions//Journal of Economic Theory, 146, 2011 — pp. 2563-2582.
- Gilboa I. Hvorfor de tomme skaller ikke blev affyret: En semi-bibliografisk note//Episteme, 8, 2011- s. 301-308
- Gilboa I., Samuelson L. Subjectivity in Inductive Inference//Theoretical Economics, 7, 2012 - pp. 183-215.
- Gilboa I., Postlewaite og D. Schmeidler, "Rationality of Belief", Synthese, 187, 2012 -pp. 11-31.
- Argenziano, R. og I. Gilboa, "History as a Coordination Device", Theory and Decision, 73, 2012—s. 501-512.
- Di Tillio, A., I. Gilboa og L. Samuelson, "The Predictive Role of Counter A. factuals", Theory and Decision, 74, 2013—s. 167-182.
- Gilboa I., Samuelson L., Schmeidler D. Dynamics of Inductive Inference in a Unified Model// Journal of Economic Theory, 148, 2013 -pp. 1399-1432.
- Gayer G., Gilboa I. Analogier og teorier: Enkelhedens rolle og fremkomsten af normer//Spil og økonomisk adfærd, 83, 2014 - pp. 267-283.
- Gilboa I., Samuelson L., Schmeidler D. No-Betting Pareto Dominance// Econometrica, 82, 2014 — pp.1405-1442
- Gilboa I., Postlewaite A., Samuelson L., D. Schmeidler Economic Models as Analogies//Economic Journal, 124, 2014, F513-F533.
- Aragones E., Gilboa I., Postlewaite A., Schmeidler D. Rhetoric and Analogies//Research in Economics, 68, 2014 - pp. 1-10.
- Gayer G., Gilboa I., Samuelson L., Schmeidler D. Pareo Efficiency with Difference Beliefs//Journal of Legal Studies, 43 (2014), S151-S171
- Gilboa I., Schmeidler D. A Theory of Case-Based Decisions - Cambridge University Press, 2001
- Gilboa I. Theory of Decision under Uncertainty - Cambridge University Press, 2009.
- Gilboa I. Rational Choice - MIT Press, 2010
- Gilboa I. Making Better Decisions - Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
- Gilboa I., Schmeidler, D. Case-Based Predictions. World Scientific Publishers, Economic Theory Series (Eric Maskin, red.), 2012.
- Gilboa I., Samuelson L., Schmeidler D. Analogier og teorier: Formelle modeller for ræsonnement. — Oxford University Press
- Gilboa I. Information og metainformation// Proceedings of the Second Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning About Knowledge/M. Vardi (red.) - Morgan-Kaufmann, 1988 - pp. 227-243
- Gilboa I. A Note on the Consistency of Game Theory// Proceedings of the Third Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning About Knowledge, R. Parikh og M. Vardi (red.) - Morgan-Kaufmann Publishers, 1990 - pp. 201-208.
- Gilboa I. Philosophical Applications of Kolmogorov's Complexity Measure// Logic and Philosophy of Science in Uppsala, D. Prawitz og D. Westerstahl (red.)//Synthese Library, Vol. 236, Kluwer Academic Press, 1994 - pp. 205-230.
- Gilboa I. Can Free Choice Be Known?/ The Logic of Strategy, C. Bicchieri, R. Jeffrey og B. Skyrms (red.) - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.
- Gilboa I., Gilboa-Schechtman E. Mental Accounting and the Absentminded Driver//The Psychology of Economic Decisions, bind 1 Rationality and Well-being/ I. Brocas og JD Carrillo (red.), Oxford: Oxford University Press 2003 — pp. 127-136.
- Gilboa I., Marinacci M. Ambiguity and the Bayesian Approach// Advances in Economics and Econometrics: Theory and Applications, Tenth World Congress of the Econometric Society/ Acemoglu D., Arellano M, Dekel E. (Eds.) - New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013
- ↑ Blaug M. Hvem er hvem i økonomi , fjerde udgave. — Edward Elgar Publishing . - 2003. - S. 292-293. - ISBN 978-1-84064-992-5 .
- ↑ 1 2 3 4 5 6 Itzhak Gilboa. Curriculum vitae Itzhak Gilboa . - januar 2015.
- ↑ Prabook. [ Itzhak Gilboa].
- ↑ Gilboa I., Schmeidler D. Maxmin forventet nytteværdi med en ikke-unik fortid // Journal of Mathematical Economics. - 1989. - Bd. 18. - S. 141-153.
- ↑ Utkin L.V. Risikoanalyse og beslutningstagning med ufuldstændig information . - Sankt Petersborg. : Nauka, 2007. - S. 244 . — ISBN 978-5-02-025187-8 . Arkiveret fra originalen den 14. november 2016.
- ↑ Svetlova E., van Elst H. Fænomenet ufuldstændig viden om fremtiden i økonomisk teori // Spørgsmål om økonomi. - 2013. - Nr. 8 . - S. 83-105 .
- ↑ HEC Paris . fakultets bibliotek .
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