Skotsk mesterskab i mixed curling

Scottish Mixed Curling Championship er en årlig konkurrence mellem skotske mixed curlinghold ( et  hold skal bestå af to mænd og to kvinder; se en:Mixed curling ). Det har været afholdt siden 1976 . Arrangøren er Scottish Curling Association ("Royal Scottish Curling Club", engelsk Royal Caledonian Curling Club ) [1] .  

Vinderen af ​​mesterskabet modtager retten til at repræsentere Skotland i den internationale arena indtil det næste mesterskab (i 2005-2014 ved EM og startende fra 2015 ved VM ) som et blandet skotsk hold .

År, spillesteder og vindende hold

År Guld Sølv Bronze
(tabere i semifinaler)
Plads til
EM (siden
- verden)
1976 Ken MacLennan, Ellie MacGillvary, Allan Cameron , Helen Munro Jim Whiteford , Jesse Whiteford , Robin Whiteford, Nancy Whiteford
1977 Hammy McMillan Sr. , Janet McMillan, Hugh Parker, Kathleen Parker Les Bell , Sheila Pollock, Bob Pollock, Margaret Johnstone
1978 Jimmy Sanderson , Jane Sanderson , Ian Baxter , Helen Baxter Matt Murdoch , Almira Shedden, Jack Shedden, Vi Millar
1979 Bill Allison , Helen Burton, John Strang, Alison Allison Michael Dick , Alison Aitken, Trevor Dodds , Barbara Leonard
1980 Bob Chrisp , Grace Stirling, Barry Stirling, Janette Chrisp Kerr Graham , Carolyn Hibberd, Bob Cowan , Alison Brown
1981 Andrew McQuistin , Joyce Kinnear, Hammy McMillan , Jean Caldwell
1982 Hugh Aitken , Fiona McMillan, Norman Brown , Janie Ferguson Ian Baxter , Christine Wood, Jimmy Wood, Helen Baxter
1983 Gordon Murhead , Cate Brewster, Tom Brewster Sr, Betty Bonthrone Jim Steel , Moira Hamilton, Bill Carruthers , Helen Hamilton
1984 Jack Brown , Annie Kennedy , Jack Kennedy, Jesse Brown Gordon Murhead , Cate Brewster, Tom Brewster Sr, Betty Bonthrone
1985 Ian Morrison , Mary Scobie, James Muir, Janice Ogilvie Margaret Robertson , Keith Prentice , Gwen Prentice, John Robertson
1986 Gordon Murhead , Cate Brewster, John Baillie, Betty Bonthrone Ian Morrison , Mary Scobie, James Muir, Janice Ogilvie
1987 Jim Waddell , Isobel Waddell, Alec Torrance, Isobel Torrance David Smith , Cathie Drysdale, Peter Smith , Morag Ewan
1988 Hugh Aitken , Gail McMillan, Hammy McMillan , Marie McWilliam Keith Prentice , Margaret Robertson, John Robertson, Gwen Prentice
1989 Ian Morrison , Mary Scobie, James Muir, Janice Ogilvie Murray McEwan , Betty Eddie, Bill Silver, Agnes Gordon
1990 Robin Gray , Ron Howie , Warwick Smith , Karen Thompson Jim Black , Margot Woods, Gordon Herbert, Susan Bryden
1991 Robin Gray , Rona Martin , Robert Wilson, Joan Wilson Hammy McMillan , Lorna McMillan, John Dalrymple, Gail McMillan
1992 Robin Gray , Rona Martin , Robert Wilson, Joan Wilson David Hardie , Gail McMillan, John Dalrymple, Fay McMillan
1993 Peter Loudon , Edith Loudon , Alec Torrance Jr, Cathy Loudon Colin Hamilton , Carol Ross, Bob Kelly , Catherine Dodds
1994 Colin Hamilton , Carol Ross, Bob Kelly , Catherine Dodds Robin Gray , Rhona Martin , Crawford Hastings, Linda MacAulay
1995 Colin Hamilton , Carol Ross, Alan Westwood, Catherine Dodds Peter Loudon , Edith Loudon , Russell Keiller , Cathy Loudon
1996 Brian Binnie , Claire Milne , Duncan Bertram, Alison Binnie Neil Wilson , Lorna Rettig , Brian Smith, Sandra Hynd
1997 Brian Binnie , Claire Milne , Warwick Smith , Alison Binnie Colin Hamilton , Carol Ross, Ian Gibb, Catherine Dodds
1998 Roy Henderson , Carolyn Morris, Angus Robertson, Kim Morris Bob Kelly , Gillian Barr , Colin Barr , Wendy Barr
1999 Neil Joss , Kirsty Balfour, Paul Bowie, Jackie Crescent Ewan Hay , Kathleen Scott, Robbie Scott, Isabel Hay
2000 Ross Mackay , Kelly Wood , Garry Mackay, Lindsey Wood Billy Henderson , Jacquellyn Birrell, Mark Milne, Maureen Borland
2001 Angus Robertson , Jackie Lockhart , Roy Henderson, Maureen Borland Neil Joss , Edith Loudon , Mark Brass, Karen Addison
2002 Keith Prentice , Carolyn Morris, Robin Aitken, Gwen Prentice Neil Joss , Edith Loudon , Graeme Prentice, Karen Addison
2003 [2] Kelly Wood , Gary Wood, Lindsey Wood , Graeme Prentice Brian Binnie , Claire Milne , Ronald Brewster , Nancy Murdoch
2004 [3] Kelly Wood , Ross MacDonald, Lindsey Wood , Kenneth Edwards Angus Robertson , Carolyn Morris, Roy Henderson, Maureen Borland
2005 [4] Derek Brown , Cathryn Guthrie, Greig Smith, Rhona Brown Bill Thomson , Jill Donald, Hugh Thomson, Louise Soutar fire
2006 Tom Brewster , Jackie Lockhart , David Haye , Kim Brewster Keith Prentice , Sheila Swan , Neil Macarthur, Rosemary Arkley en
2007 Glen Mourhead , Eve Mourhead , Gordon Mourhead , Anna Sloane Moray Combe , Karen Addison , Sandy Christie, Ann Laird 6
2008 Alan Smith , Gillian Howard, David Mundell, Karen Strang Glen Mourhead , Eve Mourhead , Gordon Mourhead , Anna Sloane 5
2009 Tom Brewster , Lynn Cameron , Colin Campbell, Michelle Silvera Alasdair Guthrie, Anna Sloane , John Hamilton , Cathryn Guthrie en
2010 David Edwards , Claire Perras, Dillon Perras, Louise Wood Duncan Fernie , Lynn Cameron , Colin Campbell, Michelle Silvera en
2011 David Edwards , Kerry Barr , Scott Macleod, Louise Wood Neil Joss , Judith MacFarlane , Gary Rutherford, Margaret Richardson 7
2012 Ewan MacDonald , Eve Muerhead , Ewan Byers , Karen Barthelemy Duncan Fernie , Lynn Cameron , Colin Campbell, Michelle Silvera en
2013 Ewan MacDonald , Eve Muerhead , Ewan Byers , Karen Barthelemy David Mundell , Sarah Reid , David Reid , Fiona Steele 2
2014 [5] Kyle Smith , Hannah Fleming , Billy Morton , Alice Spence Kim Brewster , John Penny, Karen Barthelemy, Scott MacLeod David Edwards , Susan Kesley, Colin Campbell, Fran Stretton
David Mundell , Sarah Reid , David Reed , Fiona Steele
2015 [6] [7] Cameron Bryce , Katie Murray , Bobby Lammy , Sophie Jackson Craig Waddell , Heather Morton , Cammy Smith , Jodie Milroy Tom Brewster , Kim Brewster , Duncan Menzies , Karen Barthelemy
Grant Hardy , Rowena Kerr, Blair Fraser, Abigail Brown
2016 [8] Cameron Bryce , Katie Murray , Bobby Lammy , Sophie Jackson Blair Fraser , Rowena Kerr, Duncan Menzies , Abigail Brown Craig Waddell , Miley Smith , Cammy Smith , Sophie Sinclair
Bruce Mowat , Gina Aitken , Mark Munro, Rachel Hannen
2017 [9] Grant Hardy , Rhiann MacLeod , Billy Morton , Barbara MacFarlane Craig Waddell , Miley Smith , Cammy Smith , Sophie Sinclair Cameron Brice , Kathy Murray , Bobby Lammy , Sophie Jackson
Scott MacLeod , Layla Al-Saffar, Fraser Kingan , Tamzin Smith
2018 [10] Robin Brydon , Rebecca Morrison , Ross White , Leeanne McKenzie Grant Hardy , Rhiann MacLeod , Billy Morton , Barbara MacFarlane Kyle Waddell , Kathy Murray , Callum Kinnear, Emma Richardson
Bobby Lammy , Naomi Brown , Jay McWilliam, Rachel Hannen
2019 [11] Luke Carson , Kirsten Bousie, Mark Taylor, Katie McMillan Ross White , Rebecca Morrison , Ryan McCormick, Leeanne McKenzie Duncan McFadzean , Kirsty Barr, Ewan Kyle , Annabel Skuse 5
I 2020-2021 blev mesterskaberne ikke afholdt på grund af COVID-19-pandemien
2022 [12] [13] Cameron Brice , Lisa Davie, Scott Hyslop, Robyn Munro James Craik , Fay Henderson, Angus Bryce, Laura Watt, Sub: Emma Barr Jack Strawhorn , Robyn Mitchell, Kaleb Johnston, Amy Mitchell .

Holdopstillingerne er opført i rækkefølge: fjerde , tredje , anden , første , erstatning, træner (hvis specificeret); Skip er med fed skrift.


  1. ↑ Scottish Curling Association officielle hjemmeside 
  2. Skotsk blandet 2003 | RCCC - Konkurrencearkiv  02/03
  3. Skotsk blandet 2004 | RCCC - Konkurrencearkiv  03/04
  4. Skotsk blandet 2005 | RCCC - Konkurrencer  04/05
  5. ↑ Skotsk Curling Mixed Championship 2014 - Royal Caledonian Curling Club 
  6. Skotsk Curling Mixed Championship 2015 - Royal Caledonian Curling  Club
  7. Team Bryce vinder Scottish Mixed Championship - Royal Caledonian Curling  Club
  8. ↑ Skotsk Curling Mixed Championship 2016 - Royal Caledonian Curling Club 
  9. Skotsk Curling Mixed Championship 2017 - Royal Caledonian Curling  Club
  10. ↑ Skotsk Curling Mixed Championship 2018 - Royal Caledonian Curling Club 
  11. Skotsk Curling Mixed Championship 2019 - Royal Caledonian Curling  Club
  12. Skotsk Curling Mixed  Championship 2022 . Skotsk curling . Hentet: 28. maj 2022.
  13. ↑ Team Bryce er 2022 Scottish Mixed Champions  . Skotsk curling (3. april 2022). Hentet: 28. maj 2022.


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